Saturday, 1 February 2025

French line infantry Napoleonic 60

 Here are two more units of mostly Perry plastic Napoleonic French line infantry 1807-1814, command is Victrix in both cases with a Victrix grenadier drummer and two Victrix eagles carried by a Perry elite figure, the other drummer is a Perry elite figure with spare drummer arms and a Confederate drum again, a couple of warlord figures have snuck into one of the units once more.

The eagle standards are a bit bent as are some of the bayonets but considering they've travelled across the Atlantic in a file box in the hold with only boxer shorts as packing I think that's pretty good I was optimistically hoping to paint a unit a week, so filled half my second hold bag with figures and paints, in the first week I painted these two units so was a bit worried I would run out but this week I haven't been able to paint as much and for the two weeks my wife's coming out to Jamaica I can guarantee I won't be painting any figures at all, still with a bit of luck I'll get all the figures done before I go home.

Fun and relaxing to paint, like Lawrence said recently on his blog , you get into a rhythm and know what you're doing with Napoleonics after a while, it's a bit like running, once you've got past the painful bit at the start you're just in the zone and can keep going? I'm onto another two units with Perry command, for a change ,  I don't have any flock out here so they will just have to stay flagless and flockless until after Easter! 

All the best 



  1. Fantastic work on both units Iain, and if you didn't tell me I would have no idea that they weren't all from the same kit.

    1. Thanks Dave, yes they all work well together I think!
      Best Iain

  2. That's impressive output when you are away from home base, Iain!

    1. I agree! Iain, you are really cranking out the Frenchmen!

    2. Thanks Keith, I've got more time away than when I'm at home!
      Best Iain

    3. Thanks Jonathan, doing my best to emulate Dean!
      Best Iain

  3. Beautiful work as usual Iain, and a seamless integration of different manufacturers. You are definitely in a rhythm, but I still don't know how you manage it while travelling.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it's just being prepared and also I operate off of a tray in my lap on the sofa at home, having a table/desk is something of a luxury!
      Best Iain

  4. I agree, excellent work, impressive output, and a wonder getting all of that done while traveling!

  5. Excellent French infantry Iain!

  6. Lovely work on them Iain, even away from home you are cranking them out at a good pace, great stuff.

    1. Thanks Donnie, yes trying to be productive!
      Best Iain

  7. Great looking figures Iain! Take some time to enjoy the heat. I rather like the in the mud look of the stands. Smiling at the packing materials used.

    1. Thanks Joe, yes it's warmer than the UK, I seem to have missed winter? I will break up the mud like finish with flock at some point, this was clearly the thicker coat! You use what you've got!
      Best Iain

  8. I'm permanently fascinated by your tenacity. Wonderful work!

  9. Brilliant work there Iain, but I for one would not be wanting to paint figures whilst in Jamaica in February;)!

    1. Thanks Steve, it's alright, even with the AC turned off in the hotel it's not too bad and in the digs it's alright, it's only 28/32 which is hot but not too hot!
      Best Iain

  10. Nice work Iain! You have my full admiration - I would never manage to do any painting whilst travelling.

    1. Thanks Mike but then you're doing a better job than me!
      Best Iain

  11. Great to see more units mustering out………I do agree that once you have a playable force painting seems to get easier. But you obviously have a good amount of evening time and are able to focus a unit a week ! That is a target !

    1. Thanks Matt, yes I've got the time, just a matter of keeping focused!
      Best Iain

  12. I hope the Boxer shorts were at least clean...
    looking good though!

    1. Thanks Stew, yeah they were clean, I do have standards!
      Best Iain

  13. Painting in the Carribean... Hope you have some delicious Rum to accompany your tropical hobbying mate.

    1. Haven't tried the rum, sticking to red stripe!
      Best Iain

  14. Great looking French Line, Iain!

  15. These are fantastic Iain, I do like the campaign look and these are (to me) exceptional! I like the mix and match approach, I have so many spare parts from HaT, Perry's and Victrix I don't know what tpo do with them but they do come in handy.

    As for "getting into a rythm", I wish I could but I can manage about an hour painting (if it isn't too hot) before my work starts to get sloppy so I have to have a rest. I am 73 so please cut me some slack.

  16. Thanks Chris an hour at a time is plenty, I have a cunning plan for the spare parts!
    Best Iain
