Wasn't sure we were going to get one of these but the stars aligned and so we got four us in the shed for a game, a four sided beer and pretzels type game, entirely ahistorical using 3rd edition bolt action for the first time, we set up each force in the corner of a 6 x 4 table covered in terrain with an objective in the middle that then had to be taken off the table in the centre of the far edge of the table from the one you started on.
We all had three squads totalling 200 points, I had my Soviets, Des had SS, Ben had Indian army and Dan went for SAS, when you lost a unit they came back on a random d8 rolled corner, there was a also a half track that could be claimed by whoever got there first and if destroyed could come back again near the centre.


Des and Ben, being brothers and drawn opposite each other decided to ignore the objective and just attack each other, I headed towards the objective in cover as did Dan but even more cautiously, I don't think anyone wanted to expose themselves in the road! Des secured the half track , attacked Ben and lost the half track . Eventually I sent a squad out to take the objective, they duly got shot up as turns went by with Des and Ben knocking seven bells out of each other and me failing my command roll , luckily when the half track became available again instead of shooting me Dan went and got the half track, I was down to my last man who surprisingly passed his test and ran into the large ruin, another unit of mine were wiped out by Dan assaulting them, one of Des's units and one of Ben's also got eliminated, mine regenerated in the corner nearest to the ruined building where my chap with the objective was ,on the edge I needed to leave by if I wanted to win, Des's unit came back where I started from and then Ben spoiled the fun by also coming back where my unit was assaulting it and anhihilated them! My chap with the objective headed to the table edge followed by my remaining unit which was getting shot by Dan who's plan was clearly to let me get close to the edge with the objective and then nick it off me! Des and Ben now decided that attacking each other wasn't going to win them the game so they decided to gang up on me! I got my chap with the objective closer to the edge but was unfortunately shot by Ben's squad so my follow up squad took over, the unit that was lost the previous turn turned up in the far corner and I advanced them towards where my unit with the objective was, Dan charged my unit with the objective, we found out how good a light machine gun is at point blank and Dan had another unit to come back, he'd also lost the half track to Ben's assault. In the next turn I was going to shoot Des's unit in the back but he said if I didn't do that he would shoot at Ben so I went with that brought another unit in the far corner in that took a couple of hits as I'd also moved the unit with the objective within touching distance of the edge. In the next go my die came up first so I got the objective off the table and won. It was a fun game all over and nice to try out bolt action 3 in a relaxed atmosphere!

What I picked up with the voucher from the survey ( plus a bit more!) There's a bit of Great Italian Wars getting prepped plus all the Napoleonic figures.
I've also picked up these rules, so the dark ages collection might get a bit of love?
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and have had a look at Norms Christmas post at battlefields and warriors, very good as always, I have also started a Napoleonic Bavarian brigade to expand my 1809 campaign collection.
Also hoping to get a game against my daughter over the holidays which would be good.
Have a good new year everyone!
All the best