Thursday 11 July 2024

Birthday Bolt Action and Armourers Hall

 My nephew Ben has now got a workshop/ office/gaming space at the end of his garden. For his birthday he had a day of gaming, I missed the first half as I was still working on the flat , three of them had some games of dead mans hand, I brought along bolt action figures, terrain and the 6' x 4' gaming board I built during lockdown. As I keep my boards hung from the ceiling I'd decided it was too heavy and have replaced it with a lighter hardboard and 2" x 1" framed board, it was nice for it to find a new home. We ended up setting up with Ben's paras and Dan's Canadians  at one end of the table and Des's Germans and my winter Germans at the other end with the objective of being in occupation of the church ( more or less in the middle) at the end of turn four. 

The black foamboard buildings have mostly moved on a bit, I'm pretty happy with them, we had an entertaining tussle with losses on both sides, Des as almost always lost his Panther early, I ended up trying to drive a Tiger tank into the church twice,unsuccessfully! The unit I did get in there was anhihilated so in the last turn it was the para spotter in the bell tower who with the last roll of the dice was hit by our sniper but failed to wound so Ben and Dan won, I guess it was Ben's birthday!  What it has done is make me enthusiastic about Stalingrad or the fall of Berlin or both, I  really like the picture of the greatcoated troops making their way through the ruins and a  table of those would be great I thought? I've got a factory and will use the black foamboard buildings once they're complete, so Pavlovs house and a ruined theatre/cinema ? More earlier Wehrmacht and vehicles, I've got the earlier Soviet armour at Partizan so all good there, talking of armour.

I was lucky enough to go for a lunch in the armourers hall in the city of London recently, I got there early and thought these photos might be of interest. 

Mostly seventeenth century although there was a fair bit of Elizabethan armour               ( including Elizabeth's champions armour) , a nice demilancers armour and some gendarmes armour and dopplesoldier swords, the food was nice too which was a bonus! Anyway back again, flat's done, I've actually started painting figures again which is great as I've missed it. I will try and  catch up on everyone's blogs as soon as I  can.Next up ? Late Romans, Napoleonics or terrain but stuff is getting finished again! 
All the best 


  1. Great looking game Iain, wonderful gift of the boards to start the new gaming room, and as it was his birthday only fair they won, but sounds like a close run contest. Some gorgeous armour on display ( I always get left behind at museums when we reach the armour sections ! LOL)

    1. Thanks Dave, a fun birthday and nice surroundings for a meal!
      Best Iain

  2. Birthday gaming sounds fun and a good looking battle, nice armour too 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, fun game!
      Best Iain

  3. Good looking game and nice to see some photos of all that superb armour.

    1. Thanks Donnie, it was all fun!
      Best Iain

  4. Really enjoyed the pics of both the Bolt Action game and the armoury too - what a cracking hall to have a meal in. You looked like you had an awesome time in both, so thanks very much for sharing - and uploading all those pics.

    1. Thanks very much Simon!
      Best Iain

  5. Fine looking game Iain. Enjoyed the photos.

    1. Thanks, on both counts, Richard!
      Best Iain

  6. I agree with you, the images of troops moving through the damaged buildings looks fantastic!
    Lunch at the Armourers Hall isn't something everyone gets to do, must be a bit of a story behind that??

    1. Yes my favourite pictures of the lot, it is of course who you know, in this case the husband of someone I've worked with who has a really nice collection of Napoleonic swords and stayed in Hugoment for his birthday this year! Lucky beggar!
      Best Iain

  7. A fine way to celebrate a birthday…
    The Armourers Hall… Now that is some works canteen

    All the best. Aly

    1. A great way to celebrate a birthday and as you say an excellent works canteen!
      Best Iain

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Michal!
      Best Iain

  9. A nice way to celebrate your nephew's birthday and new gaming space. A shed at the bottom of the garden is something I'm hoping to do, if we end up staying where we are once all the kids have finally left home. The Armourer's Hall is very impressive.

    1. A shed is a great resource to have, once the child has finally moved out, we'll probably have to downsize and I will lose it!
      Best Iain

  10. I enjoyed both your terrain-heavy game and the tour of the armory. Having a birthday game is a perfect way to commemorate the day.

    1. Thanks Jonathan very kind of you!
      Best Iain

  11. Lovely pics of the game, looks interesting! But the armourers hall is pure eye candy, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks very much Suber!
      Best Iain

  12. What a afabulous birthday bash and love the photographs of the hall.

    1. Thanks a lot Michael!
      Best Iain

  13. The armory hall was a treat to see. Your game certainly was eye catching, and the Tiger model looked impressive on the table filled with terrain.

    1. Glad you liked the hall and the Tiger Joe!
      Best Iain

  14. Lovely game and not a bad place to have dinner in, that's for sure! Plenty of stuff there to keep one interested if the conversation is not up to scratch;)!

    1. Yes lots to let the eye wander to!
      Best Iain

  15. Welcome back. Pretty cool to have a family who games; if everyone wants a games day then it’ll ensure several games days a year.
    Good luck with the new boards. Nice pics all around. 😀

    1. Yes I'm lucky that various members of the family game, family time and wargaming what fun!
      Best Iain

  16. Some great looking Bolt Action, and nice to see ya back! Are you going to look into the third edition of the game?

    1. Hi SD yes I'm interested to see how third edition works out and whether it's worth investing in!
      Best Iain

  17. Fabulous looking World War II game. Brilliant terrain.
    The armourers hall is amazing. Thanks for posting those photos. All that armour in such great condition. I wonder who does all the dusting...?!!!
    Regards, James

  18. Thanks James, it's all been rehung this year, by the time you'd have finished, you would need to start again!
    Best Iain
