Sunday 10 September 2023

Impassable terrain refurb and elderly galleys terrain 21

 These are some of the oldest bits of terrain I've got , built for 40k out of blocks of polystyrene packing, roughly chopped and then glued together with some chunky cat litter on some ripped up mount board, sloppily painted in sand emulsion and green masonary paint before getting some flock added, over the years they got a bit battered so I have touched them up with some pva and sharp sand, cat litter and my current emulsion basing colour, followed by a dark wash then some other flock and finally some clump foliage. These have been sitting around half done for months at least, probably over a year and I'm hoping less than two, so once again thanks to Dave , even after his Summer of scenery is over it's still being productive!

They were built as line of sight blockers , work as edges of  moorland dressing, they also look like the background in various  Uccello Italian renaissance paintings and general impassable terrain markers, I've still got some other pieces that are less battered but maybe I'll need to bring them in line with these? 

Bill and Fred traipsing through the foothills!

It also occurred to me they might work as Mediterranean islands to go with some elderly plastic GW renaissance type  galleys( man of war?) , plus some metal ones I'd acquired, not all renaissance but I figured they'd do, I know, I know  shock , horror not 28mm either!

 I painted them  years ago, last century,in a basic way and  I was thinking of basing them up and maybe having a galley game,  as I have two fleets, Turkish versus Venetian maybe? All the ships are painted pretty much the same at the moment  green oars for Turkish and red for Venetian/ Imperial and if I need French I'll just proxy in the Turkish ships? Any good renaissance galley rules anyone has come across? Of course then I will have to build tiny towns and fortifications ? I'll add some flags and will finish off the galleys with some brown dry brushing I think and maybe some more red and green here and there and bases with waves of course!

Next up more terrain or maybe more Napoleonics, not sure!

All the best 



  1. The hills look like they fit into your recent basing style very well.

  2. Nice refurbishment Iain. Langton ships have some Renaissance naval rules to go with his models, although I have never played them. He also has some very nice micro buildings plus flags for the ships.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I'll have to check the buildings out and the rule set!
      Best Iain

  3. Nice refurb on those hills, which look very realistic in terms of colour and vegetation. No idea on rules as naval not my area of interest, despite being tempted now and then. Those galleys should look nice once painted up a bit more.

    1. Thanks Steve, useful bits of terrain, nice to get them back ip to scratch!
      Best Iain

  4. Hills look great, very naturalistic … I see Devil’s Den there!

    For naval, Wargames Illustrated about 3 issues ago did a free set of Ancient Galley rules - since they will have the basic principles of naval movement / wind etc, could they be adapted for a fun game? I say this as someone who does not know their stern from their bow!

    1. Thanks Norm, I did pick up those rules , just in case do they will be my first port of call, as were going all nautical!
      Best Iain

  5. Nice hills mate - looks like my back garden. Lol. I typically use Galleys and Galleons from Ganesha for anything naval.

    1. Thanks Mark, I will bear that jn mind as you're one of the few people I know who has played naval games!
      Best Iain

  6. Lovely work and they look excellent refurbished 👍

  7. Great work on the repairs, and refurbishment of the hills, they look excellent for multiple eras and uses and as you've proved scale as well, overall excellent scenery Iain.

  8. Well done finishing off scenery, I always found it really boring. These pieces look like they could fit in anywhere, just about.

    1. Thanks Joe, I wouldn't of imagined that based on all your excellent terrain, especially your recent magnificent seven recreation?
      Best Iain

  9. Nicely spruced up terrain Iain…It could even find a place in the Wild West…
    I’m with JBM Galleys and Galleons… I am a big fan of Ganesha Games rules…They are easy to pick up and from my experience quite hard to break when you start tweaking them.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly yes I think you're right, badlands from Northumbria to the wild west, sounds like a good title? Another vote for Galleys and Galleons, at less than£10 on Amazon I'd better get it!
      Best Iain

  10. Splendid looking terrain pieces. Just the job for the Med.

  11. Excellent terrain and galleys. I concur with the gents above about Galleys & Galleons.

    1. Thanks very much and another vote for G&G!
      Best Iain

  12. Great looking terrain Iain, and the addition of the galleys at the end gave me some real Jason & the Argonauts vibes. Clearly the scenery will work at any scale. Lovely stuff.

    1. Thanks Simon, yes it seems scale agnostic!
      Best Iain

  13. You can't have enough of this sort of terrain. Plus, clearly capable for use in multiple forms of warfare. Top job.

    1. Thanks Richard, some useful bits of kit!
      Best Iain

  14. Love it when terrain can pull double duty like that, makes me think of what I can do for my old Pirates CSG games and some of the fantasy terrain I have.

    1. Thanks SD, yes doing double duty is a great thing !
      Best Iain

  15. Nice work! My first thought on seeing the colors and general appearance was they look Mediterranean, or similar climes.

    1. Thanks Fitz, I guess it is my Italian wars basing, so that makes sense!
      Best Iain

  16. Good as new! They came out really well; very rugged. And they work surprisingly (or not surprisingly) well as islands. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, not planned as islands so I guess surprisingly!
      Best Iain

  17. Oh, those are nice! They look enormously natural, I love them

  18. These are great looking terrain pieces Iain!

  19. Wow! That's some seriously good looking terrain, Iain.

  20. O I like these hills! Those are the kind of terrain I want to make for a 1941 Northern Greece/Southern Albania theme'd table that I've been planning in my head. Of course... the plan is currently being stored with all the OTHER hobby plans and useless sports, history, Star Wars and gaming facts that nobody but me finds important, and so there's little space left for real life boringness. LOL

  21. Thanks Dai, super easy to build and surely they would work for Albania and Star Wars?
    Best Iain
