Saturday 26 August 2023

Bolt action buildings Terrain 18

 Another bolt action terrain piece, this time a a pair of semi detached houses with some kind of gardens and again originally started for space marines but completed for bolt action and like the previous building they've more neo classical. Brick walls 1/35 tamiya as before, chimney covered in 1/76 plastic sheet and the rest foamboard, stirrers, cat litter and matchsticks. 

The fencing is 1/35 tamiya  as well the fireplace surrounds are some piece of plastic moulding that I kept as I thought it might work for something like this. I  added the shrapnel damage to the front at the last minute, easy to do and I think pretty effective.  Another geriatric terrain piece completed thanks to Daves season of scenery, I'm trying to get a bit more done before the end if the month!
All the best


  1. Great looking terrain sir. Excellent for playing too!

  2. Excellent work there Iain and those Tamiya brick walls take me back many, many years ago! Ditto the fences.

    1. Thanks Steve, I've had those tamiya brick walls and fences a long long time, pretty sure they were purchased in the mid 1970's!
      Best Iain

  3. These look awesome Iain, and even though they started as one thing, what they have ended up as totally fits, all the extra detailing really helps tell the story of their new purpose.

    1. Thanks Dave, glad you think it all hangs together!
      Best Iain

  4. Very cool terrain, Iain. For the record, I try not using intact building in my BA games as it tends to bog down with infantry assaults as well as calculating HE hits. I rather use ruins - mainly as cover.

    1. Thanks Dean, yes it's ruins all the way for bolt action for me and smaller buildings with roofs for Blackpowder/ pike and shot/ Hail Caesar!
      Best Iain

  5. Super result, Iain! Reminds me of the base setting for many WWII armor dioramas.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes partly inspired by a monagram 1/32 ostwind Arnhem diorama I got with the tank kit in 1979!
      Best Iain

  6. Lovely work Iain. The chimney and shrapnel damage look great, but I also really like the fences separating the two back gardens.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, lot's of images show chimney stacks outlasting more of the building, I guess they were more substantial? I wanted a bit of back garden at least suggested?
      Best Iain

  7. Superb, the fireplaces are a lovely touch.

    1. Thanks Norm,the fireplaces came from glass brick spacers sprues from years ago, glad I kept them since the 20th century!
      Best Iain

  8. What a cracking WW2 tabletop you're developing with these buildings, Iain. Albeit that does look generic enough for anything from AWI onwards tbh. :-)

    1. Thanks Simon, you're right it could cover a big period if I wanted Napoleonic skirmish, hmm, silver bayonet?
      Best Iain

  9. Love it! the redness all over it looks like brick dust that settled everywhere. Don't know if that was the intended effect but I like it. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew, yes it was trying to be a bit impressionistic and suggest brick dust, glad you liked it!
      Best Iain

  10. Looks awesome, they have a really nice sense of atmosphere, like you pulled them out of a movie.

  11. rross has left a new comment on your post 'Bolt action buildings Terrain 18':

    Another very nice, very BIG terrain piece Iain! For skirmish type games, you are only going to need two or three buildings like this to create an effective battlefield!

    1. Thanks Keith I know I only need one or two big pieces but for some reason I want to cover the table with buildings so it's like Stalingrad or Berlin, I think it's down to the two airfix Stalingrad sets I had as a kid, one German and one Soviet, pzkfw IV and a T34 aYak and a Me 109 plus troops and vack formed terrain, anyway I'm working on more smaller buildings and an art deco cinema and a kind of modular factory plus locomotives and goods trains and bridges and who knows what else!
      Best Iain

  12. Some really interesting terrain options! They look really great and provide a lot of depth to any board :)

    1. Thanks Suber, I thought you would like the terrain pieces!
      Best Iain

  13. That's quite a large chunk of scenery and really well done too !

  14. Another lovely combo of bits and parts to create a very convincing looking ruined home. Really like this one Iain.

    1. Thanks very much Dai, getting there on the bolt action front, might even get a game someday!
      Best Iain
