Saturday, 18 May 2019

Terrain 8 metal corrosion in model trees,if you go down to the woods today!

My original model trees were made of pipe cleaners. I painted them with masonry paint and mounted them individually and then after a while added some slate and mounted them on some hardboard,all good. When I moved to my current house they were stored together with all my hobby stuff and tools in the basement,which being England flooded during the summer while I was working away. All my hobby stuff was in plastic crates(as opposed to my tools,I guess that shows where my priorities lie!) But clearly not airtight in the case of my terrain.

Obviously I have continued to use them and my nephew very kindly pointed out that they look more like Mirkwood than any terrain he's seen, however we're not doing Lord of the Rings so something had to be done.

These are plastic trees(Jarvis I think? They've been out of their bags a long time!) They're either based singly on some warbase circular bases or two to a base on redundant CDs (as suggested by Stew on his blog: A terrible loss of lead and wealth) then based as normal,I stuffed some foamboard under a few of the shorter trees, that seems to have worked out. Rather rapidly painted in the end as it had all taken so long!
Next, more trees, winter ones this time! Churches,I'm working on cypress trees that aren't made of pipe cleaners! Oh and maybe some figures?

All the best Iain


  1. Gnarly looking forest pieces. I like them!

    1. Thanks Jonathan! Gnarly and new,a bit of both!
      Best Iain

  2. I actually like both ... the before and after are both texture rich. I think those armatures for the trees might be from Woodland scenics.

    1. Thanks Norm! I'm planning on patching up the old trees at some point, you are of course right they are Woodland scenics, I've got some more of a slightly different design I got in a sale at Hobbycraft.
      Best Iain

  3. Well worth the effort Iain, even if it is frustrating to have to go back over old ground.

    1. Thanks Lawrence! Well, just more trees but I think I will revisit my rusty ones at some point!
      Best Iain

  4. You have done a very nice restoration/upgrade job on these Iain. You could use the old damaged ones as trees that have suffered a bombardment - Mark at 1866 created two sets for our WW1 games - normal and denuded of foliage!

    1. Thanks Keith! I think I'll patch them up,I'm already doing a whole load of winter trees for my WW2 Soviets, two sets of trees is surely enough!
      Best Iain

  5. Nicely done, never enough with forest pieces!

    1. Thanks Phil! You are of course right!
      Best Iain

  6. Looking good....very realistic interested to see how you do cypress trees as I would like some but never got they quite right with pipe cleaners🤔

    1. Thanks Matt! As your interested I will try and do something approaching a step by step and incorporate my basing that FMB asked about.
      Best Iain

  7. Excellent trees and terrain!

  8. I’m with Norm where I didn’t see anything “wrong” with the first set of pics. In any case, the forest has come off very nicely and you did a much better job than I did with the CDs. I’ve found that the combination of larger and smaller bases looks cool on the table. 😀
    And Mirkwood is like THE forest. Every forest in its heart wants to be Mirkwood. Wait, maybe I’m thinking of fangorn forest.

    1. Thanks Stew! Still usable but not very tree like, Mirkwood is the forest in the Hobbit that's gone all dark, the one with all the spiders, the CDs are a good idea that I have happily stolen!
      Best Iain

  9. Well, of course life finds a way...
    It might have been quite a work, but it certainly looks great :)

    1. Thanks Suber! The new ones are alright and I'll still use the old ones!
      Best Iain

  10. Sad that you've had to re-do them, but it'll be well worth the effort en they're finished.

    1. Hi Joe, not that sad, just an illustration of how thin the metal in pipe cleaners are and how a tiny bit of moisture rusted them entirely!
      Best Iain

  11. I have a small slew of Winter firs that need basing. I think CD's will do just the trick.

    Good looking copse tho - I like the varied foliage colours!

    1. Thanks Dai! Yes I like the mix of colours for the foliage too!
      Best Iain

  12. Bellissima foresta, la terrò presente quando allestiro' il mio tavolo bello anche l'albergo cadoto .

    1. Thanks Ronin! I look forward to your beautiful table!
      Best Iain

  13. Very cool looking and useful terrain, Iain.

    1. Thanks a lot Dean,we all need them!
      Best Iain
