Sunday 11 February 2024

Lion Rampant English versus Islemen

 Des came over for a game and for a change we decided to have a game of Lion Rampant first edition as we haven't played it in an age , we used two retinues from the rulebook, later English and Islesmen and the scenario defend the undefenderbal so we used a church as the objective, essentially the attacker, starting from the east has to touch the objective, the defender has to prevent this or reduce the attacking force below 50%. I took the Islesmen made up of my gallowglass and kern and then filled out with Picts, they're about a millennia out of date but at least they're from the right area and fulfil the criteria of hairy blokes with spears, shields  and not much armour, fierce foot, three units, one unit of archers and two of men at arms, that was my retinue and I was the attacker, Des had a unit of men at arms a unit of expert foot sergeants and two of expert archers. He could have two units at the church , the rest had to travel from the western side of the table, so he placed both expert archer units by the church and got the first go.

The activation element is both the fun and frustrating part of Lion Rampant, fun when you're opponent fails frustrating when you do, my dice rolling wasn't terribly good and Des's was decent so I wasn't able to descend on him mob handed before reinforcements arrived, in fact all I  managed to do was get a unit of fierce foot isolated in front of the church having taken hits even under cover of the hedge, I figured it I was lucky I'd take out the archer unit hit the church, game over, needless to say I wasn't lucky and my underarmoured unit was anhihilated by two units of expert archers while his armoured allies got closer, still it kept his archers busy while I managed to move the archers and another unit of fierce foot into the woods on my right flank, another unit of fierce foot behind the left flank hedge and started moving my men at arms forward.  Des managed to get his big unit of sergeants in front of the church, his men at arms on his right flank and his archers killed one of my archers. On my turn I managed to charge his expert archers on my left flank and his expert archers on my right, both with fierce foot wild charges, both archers ended up battered, unfortunately so did my left flank unit Des charged my first men at arms unit with his expert sergeants and was repulsed and battered . I charged my men at arms into his battered sergeants and eliminated them and the fierce foot hit the expert archers up against the church, battered them and won the game. Definitely see sawed throughout the game and kept our interest, we're planning some more of these games and I've dragged out some dark age types to add to the painting queue!

All the best 



  1. Fine game there Iain and nice to have one of the more 'left field' lists on the table. As for the activation, these days I use the tweaks they made for the later rules, where you can roll for each unit, even if one fails. Personally this makes for a better game.

    1. Thank Steve, I might well adopt that as an option!
      Best Iain

  2. A fun game, and a good result for you Iain in spite of your frustrating dice rolling. I quite like activations in rulesets, but it can be very frustrating if you fail too many in a row.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, yes difficult to get the balance right!
      Best Iain

  3. Good looking game. I like adding a little uncertainty into the turn sequence and activation process. Sometimes it works for you; sometimes it works against you.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes I think it all evens out in the end!
      Best Iain

  4. That looks like a great game Iain, I enjoy the random element of Lion Rampant and the activations but it can feel that you have no control over your own forces sometimes which is annoying! It makes for very entertaining games though.

    1. Thanks Oli, I think a certain amount of randomness is beneficial, otherwise you're into chess territory!
      Best Iain

  5. A game like this makes your next purchases simple. Goodman write up .and cool painting of Figures.

    1. Thanks Joe, yes a good game definitely generates painting and purchases!
      Best Iain

  6. As usual, I find your reports pleasantly graphic and enormously enjoyable :)

    1. Thanks a lot Suber!
      Best Iain

  7. Sounds like despite being away from the rules for a while, you were able to get straight back into them, a big tick for the rules.

    1. Yes it didn't take too long to get in the swing of things and we both made allowances for mistakes!
      Best Iain

  8. Splendid stuff Iain…
    In my experience Lion Rampant never fails to please…
    I have been considering putting an Isleman force together myself so it’s quite encouraging to see that they can win against ‘expert’ troops.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I fancied using my Kern and gallowglass and Islesmen appealed more than Irish, I think the scenario suited them as the attackers as fierce foot ignore rough terrain ( which my opponent had set up to slow me down!) and are great in attack but brittle in defence, fun though!
      Best Iain

  9. Stunning looking game Iain, and a close run thing by the sounds of it to.

    1. Yes a close run thing which is always fun!
      Best Iain

  10. Sounds like the game went down to the wire - and then - you won - so a great game I would imagine! Islemen from the Middle Ages would probably look a bit more like latter day Vikings, I think - you can get figures of them, if you are looking to add a few more kg to your lead pile.....? :)

    1. I've got dark age Irish to convert as they're tunic , no trousers or shoes, the same in Ireland and the the Kingdom of the Isles at this time, mainly for Flodden but also with a view of Tudors in Ireland?
      Best Iain

  11. Great looking game sir! From Michal at dwarfcrypt

    1. Woooow, don't now why my comment looking like this :)

    2. No me either, came through to my email but not my blog, weird?
      Best Iain

  12. From Richard Great looking game Iain. Sounds like it was thoroughly engaging.

    1. Thanks Richard, tons of fun!
      Best Iain

  13. Another rip roaring game Iain, right down to the last.

    1. Always good to have both sides in it to the end!
      Best Iain

  14. I like DR very much and also haven't played since who knows when. I have DR2 and it's basically the same. I have a house rule that if a player fails their first activation (thereby missing a turn) they get a bonus on their next roll.
    great lookn game as usual. 😁

    1. A fun game system and open to house rules I think!
      Best Iain

  15. Nice looking game and units. Well done mate.

    1. Thanks very much Mark!
      Best Iain

  16. Nicely done Iain I have always liked the rules and find having played a lot that the misfortune generally shares itself out in the end 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, I agree it usually ends up even!
      Best Iain

  17. Nice looking smaller game, cool to see different eras get played.

    1. Thanks SD, good to get a skirmish game in every now and then!
      Best Iain
