Friday 23 February 2024

Legion exhibition at the British museum and ramblings

 I went to an exhibition on the Roman army at the British museum the other day and thought it might be of interest even if it is a bit London specific! It was pretty well laid out, following a real citizen who couldn't get into the legions to start with and had to join the marines ( the lowest level auxiliaries) until eventually being able to transfer over to the legions, based on existing letters between him and his father, first century AD, he took part in putting down the Jewish revolt.

I like the mortuary statue of the imagifier and I think the twisted image of Galba is absolutely splendid, distorted he looks like some kind of robot villain! 

The blue enamel medals were also interesting I thought?

The cavalry bits were nicely laid out and while I knew of the Greek and Amazon cavalry parade/display helmets the Trojan on the right was a new one on me. 

Seeing the Dura Europas shield up close was a treat, plus the usual swords and helmets. The bits of Roman military tents and pegs were fun and I was particularly taken by the cataphract kit, very large scales! 

Worth a visit even if you know a bit about Roman Legions, it's on until June. What it has done is make me have another look at what I'm painting. Virtually all my French Napoleonics are now at least primed and assembled and my Austrians aren't far behind.  I was going to follow that up with getting a brigade of Bavarians and at least that or maybe more of Prussians.  

I've put that on hold at least for the moment and  have moved late Romans up into the paint queue, I  guess Napoleonics have been almost the exclusive focus of painting for a number of years , since the start of 2021, and while they're not going to be going away I think I'll be having a bit more variety, I was particularly taken with Jonathan Freitag's Republic Romans in his multiple games of Trasemine and they might become a project down the line, especially as one of my nephews is doing a successor army in 28mm, I will be expanding my Celts from more than just chariots and building, priming and painting two early Imperial Roman armies that I already have figures for, before then I want to paint my Late Roman and Romano British armies for Dux Bellorum and maybe expand them a little into a To the Strongest forces. I've also finished my Imperial Guard book and am now reading one on the Picts!  Expect more Napoleonics for a while but at some point there should be other units coming through and maybe something rather more left field  for me? 

Sorry for the wall of text and I promise there will be toy soldiers next time! 

All the best



  1. Unfortunately I won’t be able see this, thanks for the pictures and notes. If we get to the UK it will be July-August. About time you got some Romans done.

    1. It's a pity and yes I know I need to get some Romans done!
      Best Iain

  2. Fantastic! Thank you very much for a photos.

    1. No problem Michal!
      Best Iain

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures Iain, some fascinating history there, and after being immersed in that wanting to move the Romans up the queue, I felt the same after watching the Barbarians series, and Boadicea (even though they pronounced her name phonetically, not Celtic ! LOL) luckily I realised I had too many projects and didn't need to a start a new one ! LOL I shall therefore enjoy watching your armies develop instead.

    1. Oh you should have! I would have enjoyed it but hope I won't disapoint!
      Best Iain

  4. Very interesting exhibit. I would really enjoy a long visit there one day. Happy to provide inspiration for a new project! A fifth Trasimene battle report up on the blog.

    1. Yes, thanks for the inspiration! British Museum definitely worth a visit!
      Best Iain

  5. ooh! That looks interesting Iain. I'll have to remember to make use of my old folks free travel pass and go to that.

  6. Some excellent photos of what looks like a brilliant display!

    1. It's a decent exhibition!
      Best Iain

  7. Great exhibition Iain, thanks for posting! More ancients armies sounds promising.

    1. Thought of you while posting this and thought you'd like more ancient armies!
      Best Iain

  8. That looks like it was worth visiting Iain. The British Museum is one I never tire of returning to as everything is so well done. Getting stuck into a few Romans seems like a nice change of pace for you.

    1. It's an excellent museum and yes I fancy something different!
      Best Iain

  9. Fascinating - the shield was my fave.

    1. Yes, me too or maybe the cavalry stuff?
      Best Iain

  10. Looks really interesting Iain - it's pretty impressive that they can relate the story you mention, based on letters that exist from 2000 years ago (roughly) - of course, many in today's society would say it is all an academic waste of time, and universities etc should only be training doctors, engineers and scientists....!

    1. It is isn't it? Many in the current government I think unfortunately, don't get me started!
      Best Iain

  11. Steve J left a post.Fascinating stuff and lucky you were able to get a good view of everything. We tried a visit in November, albeit on a Saturday, and after nearly 45 minutes queuing to get in (despite booking timed entrance tickets), we left pretty quickly as it was just so packed out, to the point it was hard to see the exhibits:(.

    1. That sounds awful, I must have been lucky!
      Best Iain

  12. Very interesting. The British Museum is always worth a visit when in the area.

  13. Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. 😀

    1. No problem, bit of a shlep for you !
      Best Iain

  14. Oh, I read about this exhibition just this week! It's so great that you get to post this just now! Looks fantastic, thanks for the pics and the info!

    1. Glad you found it interesting Suber!
      Best Iain
