Sunday 7 January 2024

Valour and Fortitude Russians and French Napoleonic 47

 Ben and Des were meant to be having a Bolt action game in the shed but Des couldn't make it so Ben and I decided to have another Valour and Fortitude game to  revise before the big family game. He brought his Russians and I fielded a French force , both of 250 points each. In order to achieve that Ben borrowed a unit of hussars and Austrian cuirassiers and a unit of Landwehr to count as jaegers.

It was also the first outing of the Russian village terrain I did a while ago, so nice to get that finally out!

We had an objective in a wood close to each of us and in the two built up area's as I was in march attack I was able to occupy both built up area's, the Russians are pretty resilient I found, Ben managed to assault both built up areas over time and rolled better dice, which resulted in two draws but because he was the attacker meant he won them! Ouch , he charged his cuirassiers at my dragoons which you would have thought was a forgone conclusion but actually ended with the loss of his cuirassiers there were other fights but we called it at the agreed time which was a mistake as you're meant to make sure each side had had an equal number of turns but finished with Ben having an extra go , a Russian win but good fun, nice to get the village out and get Ben's Russians out. Ben used my mewly primed Austrian limber, it's  been a big incentive to get limbers built and painted playing this game! A belated happy new year to everyone!

All the best 



  1. A fine looking game and as always nice to have fun, which is waht it's all about really. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New year Steve! Thanks and yes it's all about fun!
      Best Iain

  2. I do enjoy seeing your table so well populated with Napoleonics, Iain. Very inspirational. Sounds like a corking game too, and like you, I always find a battle inspires me to get painting more stuff.

    1. Thanks Simon, glad you liked it, I'm almost through three more French limbers before I start on the Austrian ones!
      Best Iain

  3. Nicely done Iain , I have limbers on the go at the moment but it is an uphill struggle !

  4. The Russian buildings look great Iain. Well all the models do. Also like the way you placed that French gun at an angle on the base. Very dynamic.

    1. Thanks Chris, yes very dynamic, it was also the only way I could fit the crew manhandling the wheels on the base ! A happy accident!
      Best Iain

  5. It is a luxury to be able to switch rules, periods, and armies at the drop of a hat. Your table packed with Napoleonics looks fab.

    1. Then you are steeped in luxury! Napoleonics do look good!
      Best Iain

  6. Great looking Napoleonic gaming to kick off the year, Iain!

  7. Looking good! Sounds like fun!

  8. Excellent looking game and figures Iain and the village buildings are particularly good! Funny the different way our minds work, I would call a draw a win for the defenders and the attackers get pushed back (If I was writing rules!)

    1. Attackers always get the advantage unless they're attacking uphill, to be honest I had all the advantage but just had shocking dice!
      Best Iain

  9. Great game with beautiful minis and terrain!

  10. A lovely looking game Iain…
    And win,draw or lose it was fun.

    All the best and a Happy New Years. Aly

    1. Happy new year Aly! Thanks, my dice throwing was so bad I thought of you!
      Best Iain

  11. That looked great Iain and your Russian terrain looks very nice indeed. Well done to the dragoons for repelling the cuirassiers. Just a pity you didn't end on an even number of turns.

    1. Thanks Lawrence , yes but on balance I think the Russians deserved it although it's the second time I've been beaten by someone using my spare white dice out of two!
      Best Iain

  12. Excellent looking game Iain, and so nice to see your scenery on the table, happy new year to you.

    1. Happy New year Dave! Thanks very much!
      Best Iain

  13. Thanks Iain, very much enjoyed the photos (twice). Interesting to hear your comment on Russian resilience as a general observation. I think V&F overall have done well with their army lists … though someone somewhere (was it you?) thought Austrian Landwehr to be too effective.

    1. Thanks Norm ,yes I think the lists work well, the Austrian line are pretty effective but also expensive, the Landwehr aren't expensive but also aren't that good?!
      Best Iain

  14. From BA to Napoleonics in the switch. Sounds reasonable and very colorful as well. As mentioned, it was all about fun.

    1. Yes nice to change it up but likely to be Napoleonic for a while now and yes all about fun!
      Best Iain

  15. good looking stuff, and I too like a table with some cannon limbers. Nice to use stuff that hasn't been out before like the Russian village. I'm so ignorant of Naps that's it's embarrassing for me. This sentence; "In order to achieve that Ben borrowed a unit of hussars and Austrian cuirassiers and a unit of Landwehr to count as jaegers." means nothing to me LOL 😁

    1. Thanks Stew, no doubt we will hear you chatting about pelises, shakos and aigiletes in no time with your new founded Napoleonic expertise!
      Best Iain

  16. Superb looking game Iain, with village, figures and all.

  17. Lovely looking game Iain, I especially like the way you made bases for the casualty dice, much better than my just placing them behind the unit. The scenery certainly adds to the atmosphere.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have playing cards for V&F with Napoleonic national emblems on one side?

    1. Thanks Chris, I do like the dice bases, even the relatively plain ones, I'm pretty happy having Norm's Napoleonic cards to be honest!

  18. Lovely looking game Iain, good to see the Russians in action!

    1. Thanks Cyrus, yes nice to give them a run out!
      Best Iain

  19. A Happy New Year to you Iain! What a superb looking game you had going there. Nice to see Austrians and Russians on the table too. I had a good read through the V & F rules to see if they would feel a bit more Napoleonic than a tweaked Black Powder. I might have a look at General d'Armee 2 which should be out in a few weeks then I can compare. I shall have a decent Napoleonic set of armies soon (besides my old plastic 20mm stuff in the loft with all the flaky paint!). Best wishes, Jason

    1. Thanks Jason, nice to hear from you again, I like Valour and Fortitude, I picked up General d'Armee recently in an epic piece of bad timing! The Holy Grail quest for the perfect Napoleonic ruleset goes on nut until then I'm happy enough with V&F!
      Best Iain

  20. That’s a great looking game Iain!
