Thursday 23 November 2023

Bolt action modular factory terrain 23

 To go with the scatter terrain I posted recently I have finished the factory walls to go around it. As it's for 28mm skirmish warfare I decided against doing one large building as it would have to dwarf the recent large building I made and I just don't think I could store it!

I had a pair of balsa wood windows I'd made at college, long , long ago all lapjointed so that they were flat, there were a number of hours work in each one so I  had held onto them for I guess sentimental reasons but now I  could finally use both them and a foamboard doorway I still had, both to 1/25 scale but for industrial use I figured that could work. I went for six window pieces in varying states of disrepair and chopped my pair of windows up and spread them around . I then stuck some plastic sheet on the face, I'd ended up with a whole pack of this sheet, lots of sheets, so I figured I should use them , even though they're not really the industrial brick finish I wanted but a rather more rustic version with bit's of stones in , I thought they'd do! On the inside I added a thin skim of ready mixed filler and gave it a light sand with some old 120 grit scratch. Based as normal, pva, sharp sand, cat litter, oh and some offcuts of foamboard, spray primed black, because of the plastic sheet and then painted in emulsions various, I did a thinned down wash of white on the brick sheet side to represent the lime plaster that would have made sense for the period, then slapped a couple of coats on of terracotta/ brown shades, all good. 

It's a bit theatrical with flattage but I'm happy enough, I can adjust the shape and even do a ruined train shed set up, of course now I'll have to build dome trains...!
All the best 


  1. Impressive presentation, especially the arched windows and the brickwork is absolutely bob on. Good idea to go with modular rather than a fixed structure, it works very well.

  2. Clever plan and so we'll executed in the parts.

  3. Very nice once again Iain and definitely a good idea to make a lot of modular "bits" than can add up to many different "wholes"!

    1. Thanks Keith, obviously I'm building a Pavlov's house /apartment building which is far from modular!
      Best Iain

  4. Absolutely awesome terrain's work sir!

  5. Superb work there and great idea to keep it modular too.

    1. Thanks Steve, yes I think I needed to?!
      Best Iain

  6. Fantastic ruins Iain, the brickwork looks perfect for the time period, and great solution on the storage making it sectional, a lot more versatility that way as well.

    1. Thanks Dave, I didn't do soldier courses above the arch which I should have but otherwise pretty happy with them!
      Best Iain

  7. Marvellous answer to having to build a huge ruined facility, Iain, and one which can now be used for all sorts of different tabletops/genres. Lovely work, and a nice way of bringing some life into some old, sentimental pieces you made whilst at college.

    1. Thanks Simon, yes good to get some use out of the windows and I think they can define areas well?
      Best Iain

  8. That looks great. I love the idea of modular factory terrain with walls that can be re-arranged for different scenarios.

    1. Thanks Nathan, not up to your standard but good enough!
      Best Iain

  9. Lovely pieces Iain. The brickwork looks great. Storage really does become a limiting factor the more we accumulate.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, yes eventually we will fill all our spaces up given hslf a chance!
      Best Iain

  10. Excellent work! Great use of old bits, nice painting and construction, and good call on the modularity. Makes the pieces bother easier to store and more flexible for all sorts of configurations.

    1. Oh, bother! Meant to say "both". ha ha

    2. It's funny but I read it the way you wanted it first go! Thanks Fitz, what I wanted to do on all counts!
      Best Iain

  11. The terrain work looks great….you might consider some very simple interior bases as this would give them a slightly more enclosed feel ?

    1. Thanks Matt , my main aim was something like the tractor factory in Stalingrad, so a big internal space, but what I might do is a load of broken brickwork corners which could go inside or be used to make external ruins?
      Best Iain

  12. Oh, this is quite a thing indeed! I relly like the modular approach and how all the pieces look. Truly great job.

  13. Great re-purposing of those impressive balsa wood window frames you made in your college years, Iain. I also like how you weathered/white-washed the brick too. Excellet work all-around.

    1. Thanks Dean, nice to be efficient! Well every now and again!
      Best Iain

  14. Another round of great looking terrain!
