Thursday 16 November 2023

Bolt action AAR somewhere in northern France 1944

 Excuse the  additional post but I've got a backlog of posts ! Des came over for a game and we decided on Bolt action as we haven't played it in ages and I've built a load of terrain for it . We went with Des's figures, his US troops assaulting a town defended by an SS force. I set up the table as a French town and then we added some more hedges  and a couple of fields. The objective was to take the big building ( town hall maybe?) and/ or inflict the most damage  by our usual cut off time.

The buildings are a mixture of mine and Des's although he's passed his onto me as he hasn't got room for 28mm terrain, there's a new building in there, a modular factory that I haven't quite finished yet but couldn't resist adding in it's mostly finished state together with the previously seen factory scatter terrain, I'm still finishing off his terrace/ row houses and have got to finish their garden/ yards yet. Des set up from the church square back except for his forward observer, his mortar team in the factory an infantry squad behind the church, pak 40, sniper , command in the objective and medium machine gun and another squad by the terrace. I  had four five man squads, a sniper, a medium machine gun and a M4 Sherman. I think it was just under 500 points each. We played on a 6' x 4' board up the long way. Des set up first and i took the road on my right and hugged the right side of the board as I advanced. Des had expected me to advance up the parallel road and had set up his pak 40 to cover that, his forward observer snuck into the church my chaps moved up and my Sherman on a road was able to advance to the entrance of the ruined factory and hit the mortar team with it's hull machine gun, giving them a casualty and a pin and decimating the squad caught in the open in the square with HE and coaxial machine gun.  Unfortunately for Des he hadn't brought any antitank weapons apart from his pak 40, his sniper took out one of my squad leaders, I assaulted the church and with odds of five to one failed to inflict a casualty and lost a man, the Sherman moved into the factory giving the mortar team another casualty and pin and opening up on the medium machine gun in the square, having previously withdrawn his other squad into the town hall Des now moved them out. I couldn't move my medium machine gun through the rough terrain so I took them down an alley and left them to cover the road from cover. I tried again at the church and lost another casualty and advanced across the road in front of the factory with most of my other units agter eliminating the medium machine gun , one of the  squads took casualties and pins from Des's pak 40, his mortar lost another casualty and gained a pin. Des sent his lieutenant and team out of the town  hall to lead his troops in a counter attack and got shot by the medium machine gun together with his team and the sniper and his assistant took out the remnants the first squad that was shot and we called the game as we'd hit time. I ran out the winner, I'd only lost a few casualties whereas Des had lost units , We've sorted out the next game of bolt action which will see Des's Germans against my Soviets, their first outing having been painted in 2017 early 2018, better late than never!

All the best 



  1. I love the table layout Iain and nice to see the recently completed graveyard get center stage. Great stuff.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, nice to get the graveyard out but a pity no one passed through it!
      Best Iain

  2. Hugely cinematic and a good reward for your recent terrain drive. I think I spotted me an Airfix sandbag piece, that as a kid, always reminded me of my dad’s false teeth :-)

    1. Thanks Norm, is it around the pak 40? I see what you mean!
      Best Iain

  3. Good to hear you got your Soviets bloodied, Iain. Great looking table too.

    1. Well not yet, next game but fun all the same!
      Best Iain

  4. Wonderful narrative which was helped by the photos of a splendid table and troops. Interesting choice in the 5 man squads.

    1. Thanks Joe, I think the five man squads came about as we rapidly put this together from the army lists which start with fuve man squads being the minimum, with my Soviets I've gone for 10/12 man squads for better survivability!
      Best Iain

  5. Fantastic looking board Iain, and even though you are still working on some bits, it looks very atmospheric. The game sounds great, and congratulations on the win, look forward to your soviets getting an outing.

    1. Thanks Dave, getting there, trouble is I keep thinking I know I could add some more terrain, Pavlovs house ( fortified apartment building) wrecked train, armoured train, ruined cinema?!
      Best Iain

  6. Brilliant table and report Iain.

  7. Can only echo the previous comments Iain, the scenery is fantastic and sounds like you had a comprehensive win....hopefully the Red Army do not suffer from recently painted figure syndrome in the next game! Perhaps the long wait to get on the table will help them?? 🙂

    1. Thanks Keith, I'm sure being laid down for a few years is only beneficial, like red wine? Some hope!
      Best Iain

  8. You got me hooked just with the very first pic. Fantastic display and great looking game

  9. Great setup! It does look the part.

  10. You are getting in quite few games of late. Your table is jam-packed with terrain. Tough ground to fight over.

    1. I am , nowhere near your level but with club and home games it's been quite hectic, no more club games this year but I do hope to get in a few games in the shed and yes tough with all the terrain although good at blocking line of sight!
      Best Iain

  11. Great looking layout Iain. Fab looking game and a good win too!

  12. Beautiful terrain, and a good game!
