Tuesday 31 October 2023

Bolt action graveyard and war memorial Terrain 22

 As I usually try and post on Tuesday and this is all Hallows Eve I thought I would post something I've been pottering along with for  a while.well since Dave's summer  of scenery ( which seems  a long time ago!) I had a couple of minifigs 25mm Napoleonic figures, a Prussian and I think a French figure.  I couldn't see me using them, not least as I don't have a Prussian army for that period, well not yet! 

Anyway I thought, why not a war memorial to the war of liberation for my bolt action terrain? I had some statue bases I'd made for Frostgrave so I pinched one of them, stuck down my minifigs chaps and then in the spirit of late 19th century romantic art added slate dressing around them and a figure of Nike the goddess of victory urging them on, alright she's some unknown witch from the late 1970's but everyone is allowed a second chance, right?

  So that little ensemble were built and primed before our last Valour and Fortitude game and Des commented on it favourably which resulted in me knocking out the graveyard while my wife went to the theatre, hardboard base, Rendra leftover railings  ,from the big house ruin, and their graveyard set, bit of foamboard walls and some corrugated card pinched from my daughters craft/making things box once she grew out of, waste not want not, texture paste as I'd left the ready mixed filler in the house, sand etc and there we have it, somewhere in Prussia or maybe it's celebrating Prussia and Russia shoulder to shoulder liberating Europe from the Corsican Ogre? Or you can take it out and it can be a built up area for Blackpowder? The commisar is in for repairs as his metal flag fell off!

Car spray black and various emulsion testor pots and a geriatric pot of Citadel salamander green from sometime in the late 1980s I think and then terrain flock( cheaper stuff!)

Next up? More bolt action terrain? Napoleonic limbers or  Old Guard chasseurs or a Valour and Fortitude AAR or a Pike and Shot AAR?  One of those probably!

All the best 



  1. Nice re-purposing of otherwise spare figures, Iain. Waste not, want not.

  2. Brilliant, and in the holiday spirit.

  3. Very, very effective there Iain! Great way to use those odd figures that are kicking around and it reminds me I want to make a small graveyard for my games too.

    1. Thanks Steve, yes useful way of using spare odd figures up!
      Best Iain

  4. You certainly made a grest job on this Iain.

  5. A lovely coming together of several game parts. I had the Renedra headstone pack and made a small graveyard that was well ….. very small and pretty pointless, yours look superb, with good presence and I like the monument idea,.

    1. Thanks Norm, that's one sprue, well excepting the Celtic cross and raven, I didn't think the Celtic cross was appropriate and I might add the raven to my ruined church? Glad you liked the war memorial idea too!
      Best Iain

  6. That looks terrific Ian. Your paint work on it looks amazing.

    1. Thanks very much Lawrence, all painted in one go, in a bit of a hurry!
      Best Iain

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Fitz, all ready for thriller on 1,2,3,4!
      Best Iain

  8. Clever use of a couple of random spare figures Iain - it is an idea I have thought of doing a few times - last time was when I tried to find an old medieval figure that I could use for a statute in the centre of an SCW town - but I didn't find anything suitable, so the idea died a death!

    1. Thanks Keith, I'm sure you'll find it in the end!
      Best Iain

  9. A great idea Iain…
    I may have to borrow it for myself sometime.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, borrow away, I'm sure it isn't original and there is just a chance you might have a figure or two knocking around!
      Best Iain

  10. An amazing terrain piece. Well done Iain.

  11. Not only it is suitably seasonal, it is a wonderful piece of scenery, I really like how you envisioned the space and managed to make it look so natural, I love it.

    1. Thanks very much Suber, I'll happily take that from a maater of terrain!
      Best Iain

  12. That turned out really nice. Well executed sir!


  13. Always love how easy it is to turn extra minis into statues, you did great here!

    1. Thanks yes, I've got some 54mm Greek and Roman figures destined to be classical statues!
      Best Iain

  14. Such a simple idea but expertly executed! I am envisioning a future terrain project where I unashamedly steal this idea mate. So good!

    (O and that Metal Flag is a terrible design choice by Warlord! Which is a shame because it's a really fun sculpt. :/)

    1. Thanks Dai, yes just a bit of playing around helps, I'm either going to drill out his hand and add a wire up into the flag and then fix the flag to his shoulder or scrap it and give him a new pole and paper flag, either way it's a faff but I do like the figure!
      Best Iain
