Monday 23 October 2023

First game of Valour and Fortitude Napoleonics 42

 Here's a  Napoleonic AAR, as requested by Matt! Des and I tried out the scenario in the ruleset given away with the current edition of Wargames illustrated. It's available as a free download from the Perry site but I wanted a hard copy.

As it's a points built game we both set up with 200 points armies divided into two brigades each, mine is shown below                ( including the two limber units fulfilling their vow to Isildurs heir, they've since been pushed up the painting queue!) One brigade with three line infantry units , a limbered artillery piece of field artillery ( all artillery are limbered!) and a unit of hussars. The second brigade had two units of line infantry, a limbered artillery piece of field artillery and a unit of dragoons. 

Des had four line units and a limbered gun   ( oxen, seemed appropriate for the Penisular!) In one brigade , rifles, light dragoons and a line unit in the other. We set up with two towns, and a couple of woods as per the scenario, interestingly you start up , up to18" in so it became a race to see who occupied the towns/ woods. Perfidious Albion benefit from shooting in line and The French from melee if in assault column. 

Perfidious Albion won the race to occupy at least one of the built up areas and the two woods. Activation is a thing but you automatically activate one brigade and you only need to get a 2 or more to activate a brigade, so there is some peril but not as much as Blackpowder plus movement is more straightforward, if you have the inches you can do it. Des charged my dragoons with his light dragoons, we both dished out the same casualties but compared to Blackpowder you don't have a saving throw, once you're hit that's it! 

The sequence is different as you fire before moving and either shoot or move, unless you have the skirmisher skill in which case you can shoot with half your shooting dice and then move, this gets rid of the dash followed by a volley which can be found in some Blackpowder games.

There are also fate cards which we only used one of, although they do give an additional layer that I liked, I almost used one in the last turn, more on that later.

Faced with British occupation of the woods and built up area I decided to assault them, as much as anything to test the rules as in Blackpowder I knew I would have got a bloody nose but thought I'd find out what the  difference if any was.

I assaulted the rifles in the woods with a unit of line infantry supported by another, they were pretty lucky to survive, in the cavalry tussle, we made a mistake and didn't penalise the light dragoons for being shaken just the French dragoons as the attacker, which seemed odd, some time after the dragoons routed , we found that they sensibly should have, hey ho, live and learn although not in this case!

I assaulted with one unit the built up area , gave and took casualties and stayed in combat, a line unit supported by the hussars assaulted the enemy in the wood and destroyed them occupying the wood the final unit of infantry occupied the other built up area and the artillery piece unlimbered.

The rifles ran away and the British shot at the French, I found out being in woods isn't terribly helpful when shot at by artillery and infantry so the unit that was in the woods routed! Des charged my limbered artillery in the flank, ouch but surprisingly they held.

In my turn I failed my activation on my left flank but was able to automatically activate the other brigade , I had to send a messenger to the unit in the town as they were beyond 12" from their command, I know, it's a dice roll but obviously Des and I are planning ADC/messenger figures! I assaulted the other town with a single unit carrying casualties and surprisingly routed the foe! We were now even steven and mine was  the last go, if I could just charge the light dragoons with my fresh hussars, it was out of range but were I to play the king of hearts card I had, I would be 1" short!

So an entertaining draw, working on the limbers now, another game on Wednesday, you could say were interested and enjoying it!

Excuse the work in progress but I mentioned to Norm about spraying his epic civil war figures halfords khaki, I just thought I'd show him what it's like and then wih a wash, you'd only need flesh white and a bit of colour and you would be good enough, the Foundry figure is going to be my general Montrose to start that army, it'll take a while!

Next up? Pike and shot AAR, Napoleonic chasseurs, bolt action terrain or another V&F AAR? Not sure!
All the best 


  1. Your enjoyment of the rules and game definitely comes through in your report, Iain. It sounded like a lot of fun, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the ADC/messenger figures you mention for your dice rolls. I really enjoyed the pictures too - some inspirational formations.

    1. Thanks Simon, yes had a blast, limbers almost done, decided to use two single mounted figures as ADCs for the moment while I work on some spare plastic Hussar figures as future ADCs!
      Best Iain

  2. Iain, thanks for the Khaki shot - very helpful and a particularly useful colour for ECW. I think from memory, they do 3 colours in their camo range, Khaki, a green and I forget the other.

    Pleased you got V&F to the table, an interesting looking game with the woods and BUA’s adding an interesting dynamic, plus the columns look great. You get a surprisingly good force for 200 points.

    I feel one advantage over Black Powder is that BUA’s are not super tough, though I realise in BP one can reduce the defensive level from 3 to 2 or even 1, so perhaps the point is a little moot.

    I quite like the activation system, because even though the chance of failing are low …… you just know it will happen and at the worst possible moment!

    If I play it solo, I find the number of cards that can eventually build in each side’s hand, a little problematic to properly manage, main problem is that I forget to use them. I think I might start to limit a hand to no more than 3 cards at any one time.

    Anyway, a perfect sized game for my mind (and table!).

    1. Thanks Norm, they do green and brown in addition to khaki at Halfords, as well as matt grey, black and white. Nice sized game and rattles along rapidly, I did manage to fail an activation! I think I've got to use the cards a few more times but I rather like them!
      Best Iain

  3. Fantastic looking game Iain, can see why you'd want to bump the ghost horses up the painting queue as they really stand out against the rest of your awesome looking army

    1. Thanks Dave, pretty much painted now, not only were not even primed but they hadn't been cleaned up of flash! Shocking!
      Best Iain

  4. I saw these rules on the Perry web site a few days ago but didn't download them. At four pages they seem like a nice brief set, and your AAR shows they can provide an entertaining game.

    1. They're actually a pretty good ruleset, even though they're only four pages and free , they're not a lightweight set of rules.
      Best Iain

  5. Lovely looking game Iain, sounds like you enjoyed the V&F rules.

    1. Thanks Cyrus, yes we definitely had fun!
      Best Iain

  6. Iain, what are your first impressions of the rules? I suppose since another game is coming up, they must have passed initial muster. The horse sculpt looks very good.

    1. Pretty positive, as a cousin of Blackpowder the transition is easy but it seems to have ironed out some of the issues we had with it.
      Best Iain

  7. Wow, it is so spectacular! It's obvious that you enjoyed the game, I love what I see here

  8. Great to see the Naps in combat Iain and thanks for the push to get my forces on the table. The ghostly limber looks very spooky. Not surprisingly my Perry box included limbers so I need to get on with them 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, thought you'd be glad to see them! Impressed you're already working on limbers!
      Best Iain

  9. Another good looking game, the ghostly horses look cool.

    1. Thanks SD, glad you liked the Lord of the rings reference!
      Best Iain

  10. Great looking game sir!
    Best regards

  11. Lovely looking game that sounded like a lot of fun Ian. I expect to try the V&F rules at some point - and no saving throws - I prefer them to BP already!

    1. Thanks Keith, I hope it's your kind of game and of course the price is right!
      Best Iain

  12. Iain, lovely figures and a timely AAR showing the rules. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Joe, worth having a look at the ruleset I would say!
      Best Iain

  13. Ooh like the Halfords khaki tip. I’m going to try that on some 10mm horse.

    1. I think it should work, looking forward to the results!
      Best Iain

  14. Enjoyable report. The rules seemed to work for you and give a good game. The troops looked great on the table.

    1. Thanks Richard, yes they worked pretty well, especially for a first go!
      Best Iain

  15. I found the rules reasonable when I ran them (version 1 point something) at HAVOC last Spring and the player all seemed to enjoy the game. I'm not sure it plays any faster than my preferred Field of Battle /Battle Command. I think they accomplish their design objectives well, and the price is right.

    1. High praise indeed I think they're more than just a fast play set and you're not wrong about the price!
      Best Iain

  16. Ah, I see we both got our feet wet with V&F (2nd ed.), what a coincidence! As we were all just trying to learn the rules, we didn't use were the Fate cards. I was lucky to have the use of Marshal Bessières to activate a brigade for free each turn. I will make it a point to try out the rules again soon. Nice looking Foundry sculpt of Montrose too.

    1. Yes something of a coincidence! Not too far off Blackpowder and I had a free activation, just not as far without the Marshal rule!
      Best Iain

  17. Great game Iain and those 'phantom' limbers!! I enjoyed the V & F rules, quick and simple which suits me. Got my copy or WI for the nice colour printed V & F v2 rules this week and hope to try them soonish.

    1. Thanks Chris I look forward to a write up on the game!
      Best Iain

  18. Looks like a jolly good game Iain…
    I have had a few goes at V&F… I keep forgetting about the Fate cards.
    They can be quite useful…

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was and yes trying to remember the cards was one of the new things tk learn!
      Best Iain

  19. Thoroughly enjoyable write-up Iain. Great pics too!

    1. Thanks Mike, nice to hear from you!
      Best Iain
