Monday 2 September 2024

Ten ruined buildings WIP Terrain 23

 Here are the ten black foamboard ruined buildings that I based on some MDF buildings I  was given  by Des. They have been incrementally finished, first stage is foamboard on hardboard bases with pva and sharp sand, then matchstick sills and cut down coffee stirrers for first floor floorboards.  Next up is bits of plastic brick sheet applied here and there, using up left over offcuts from the ruined factory building to start with and then some ready mixed filler applied where the brick sheet was missing to give the impression of lost render woth a plasterers small tool. Balsa beams, coffee stirrer rafters wire battens and some loose slates as they are fundamentally northern European,  Masonary paint ( which is essentially emulsion and sharp sand on the exposed foam board edges and to give a little texture to the floor. The windows ( which are meant to be European casements as opposed to the  ubiquitous British sash window ) are matchsticks and I tried plastic tile spacers cut down but endedup just doingthem in matchsticks. I will spray paint on plastics and a coat of dark emulsion all over followed by muted colours inside and red for brick , off white for lime mortar and some colour on the render. I also decided to add chimney breasts on both floors and brickwork in the loft area where they wouldn't have been plastered.

Here they are with the roof joists done on most if them and all rendered and the prototype with windows and frame roof battens and some oversized slates that I already had, they will be smaller on the rest!

Mext process, finish roofs on all of them, finish windows and add masonary paint to the exposed foamboard.

So I think I still need to add slates, I cut up some thin card but it's still too thick so I'm going to chop up some Perry boxes as I think they're the right thickness and maybe some chimney pots? Can you spot the French sniper and the historex 54mm furniture I'm going to dress in? Apologies for a WIP post but I'm not painting here in Cardiff ,if I'm home at a weekend and get a couple of hours I could finish a unit up, fingers crossed! 
All the best 


  1. They look great Iain. Good combination of good modelling and practicality (ie room to easily place figures inside).

    1. PS Chris/Nundanket

    2. Thanks Chris, they're a bit of a compromise but I'm pretty happy with them!
      Best Iain

  2. Very impressive Iain. You can come round and build me an extension anytime.

    1. Thanks Richard, as long as its built out of foamboard and coffee stirrers?!
      Best Iain

  3. Top work Iain. Just the sort of terrain for an exciting urban encounter

    1. Thanks Lawrence, added to the already built ruined buildings, I'm building a collection!
      Best Iain

  4. Quite the process and such great results. Iain these building are very useful adds to any collection.

    1. Thanks Joe, I quite like seeing how others build stuff so I thought some step by steps were worth it?
      Best Iain

  5. Great builds, very useful too, will certainly look great on the table.

    1. Thanks very much Donnie!
      Best Iain

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot Michal!
      Best Iain

  7. Magnificent - beautifully crafted.

    1. Good to hear from you Norm and thank you!
      Best Iain

  8. Fantastic progress Iain, all the extra work really pays off and turns good to exceptional.

    1. I'll take exceptional all day long Dave ,from the terrain master!
      Best Iain

  9. These really do look great Iain - but they must take up quite a bit of room - where do you store all these buildings?!

    1. These ten fit in two tesco bags at the moment but I'm sure I'll squeeze them in when I get home, I've got a number of terrain projects on the go at the moment, I just have to resist my wife trying to downsiz!
      Best Iain

  10. Great work Iain and a mammoth task 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, yes cutting out the basic foamboard shape and sticking it to the hardboard didn't take too long but I kind of regretted doing ten at one go when it came to the detail!
      Best Iain

  11. Awesome mate. The work involved has been well worth it!

  12. Splendid stuff Iain…
    Many years ago I built a load of ruined buildings for a Stalingrad type game… it was great fun.
    Foam board is so easy to work with…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, yes you can get good results quite rapidly , as long as you don't get drawn into too much detail! Stalingrad is on the cards, I've got something I've been meaning to convert for some decades,that will make a nice Pavlovs house!
      Best Iain

  13. To repeat what everyone said, excellent work! These buildings should be useful for a variety of scenarios.

    1. Thanks Fitz! Yes I was thinking WW2 Europe but also Mordheim, Frostgrave and they actually look like burning hamlets in Napoleonic prints too!
      Best Iain

  14. That's a mighty big project, Iain, and you're clearly going great guns with it. That should fill up a Stalingrad tabletop quite nicely when added to your other scenery, shouldn't it..?

    1. Thanks Simon, yes they should fill a fair amount of table and funny you should mention Stalingrad because I've got a few elements of that to come!
      Best Iain

  15. I like WIP posts, especially when it comes to terrain. I like to see the process.
    Seems like a lot to do 10 buildings at once. But it'll be great when done at it'll be instant city ruins. Going to be very impressive when finished so keep it up. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew, I thought you'd like it when I was posting it and your right .ten in one go is, shall we say ambitious?!
      Best Iain

  16. Great work there Iain and I'm always a sucker for looking at scratch built terrain. Can't wait to see these all painted up:)!

    1. Thanks Steve, they are of course simplified, which like you I'm sure , I find hard to do as the temptation to keep on detailing is very strong, I had to stop myself adding fireplace surrounds, well at least for now!
      Best Iain

  17. Nice work Iain! Keep the town growing!

    Best wishes,

    1. Lovely to hear from you and thank you very much Pan!
      Best Iain

  18. Fantastic work, I love how they are turning out. Beautiful and practical you cannot ask for more

    1. Thank you very much Suber, it all takes longer than you want but that's part of vthe fun I guess!
      Best Iain

  19. Some great looking ruins, are you planning on using them for WW2?

    1. Thanks SD, primarily they're for WW2 Northern Europe but I'm planning on using them in theSoviet Union as well but also I thought they'd work for Frostgrave and Mordheim?
      Best Iain

  20. It's great to see how you build these masterpieces Iain, having seen some 'in action' in the post from your birthday bash. A really top job. I always prefer scratch-built buildings/terrain, especially when, like yours, they are better than bought stuff!
    Regards, James
