Monday 12 August 2024

A club game of Fortitude and Valour Napoleonics 54

 It was the last game before the summer break at the club the other Sunday, I've missed a load as I was working on the flat and John has been pretty ill but as he was out of hospital and fancied a game I was only too happy to dig out the Austrians and French plus some terrain and head down to the club.

As the Austrians I had one brigade of two line infantry units, two units of cuirassier and a unit of Landwehr on my left and on my right a brigade with two units of line infantry, a unit of Landwehr, some Chevaulegers and an artillery piece. All the Austrian line infantry were in their first  game. Opposing them on the French right wing was an entirely mounted brigade of three units of cuirassiers, a unit of dragoons and a unit of horse artillery. On the French left three units of line infantry a unit of hussars and some foot artillery.  The two built up areas and the hill were objectives. We were a little rusty so went for a straightforward encounter battle, the French got the first go , occupied the built up area on their left, the central hill and advanced their cavalry on their right wing, when it came to the Austrian go I occupied the built up area on my left wing charged my cuirassiers at the intimidating mass of heavy French cavalry, advanced my infantry on the right flank and charged the infantry unit on the hill with my Chevaulegers the cuirassier melee ended in a draw so we would need to carry on, the attack column on the hill lost the melee and because they'd lost to cavalry they routed. In the next French turn after some desultory shooting from them, assault column and occupying built up areas cuts down your dice throws the heavy cavalry battle ended with defeat and retreat for my cuirassiers Shooting continued next go with my troops in line doing rather better than their French counterparts, my cuirassiers were lost my Chevaulegers were running away ,having eliminated the French foot artillery  so it all looked rather bleak. I did manage to destroy another infantry unit with firepower from infantry and artillery  but was then forced to form square in the face of heavy cavalry storm. The French cavalry came on and took out my artillery but I was able to take out first one unit of cavalry  on the last roll of the game which also caused the companion unit to rout. We both occupied a built up area, I'd destroyed one more unit but John's general was sitting on the other objective and while not a unit it would have been churlish to claim a victory that way and I was happy with a relearning draw! The club is quite until September, I'm working in Wales until then anyway which is disrupting my painting although I am preping lots of plastic figures! 

All the best



  1. Fantastic looking game Iain, and a well fought draw. Hope the work in Wales goes well, and prep work is always useful, as it sets up the next batch of painting.

    1. Thanks Dave, it was fun and making some terrain progress in Wales!
      Best Iain

  2. Great looking game Iain, loads of great miniatures on show there. A hard fought draw is a fair result.

    1. Thanks Donnie,I was happy with the result!
      Best Iain

  3. The figures all look great Iain and if the Austrians were mostly tabletop virgins, a draw is a good result....the clash of the cuirassiers looked pretty one sided in the Pic!

    1. The clash of the cuirassiers was pretty one sided to be honest and yes, the chaps that were in action for the first time all did well!
      Best Iain

  4. Fantastic looking game as always sir!

  5. The pics are fantastic, you can feel the battle roaring. I love it

  6. The new recruits appear to have worked well, and pulled off a very creditable draw. A very nice looking game Iain.

  7. Lots of lovely eye candy there Iain and good to see the Austrians holding there own, even with freshly blooded troops:)!

  8. Great looking game. Reasonably well played new troops, great looking table terrain. Classic good time!

  9. Great to see the Naps out for a battle 👍

  10. Great looking battle. glad you were able to squeeze in a game in-between real life commitments. 😁

  11. Great looking Napoleonic gaming and figures Iain. Very inspiring - I'm thinking of getting back into Black Powder again.

    1. Thanks Dean, have a go at Valour and Fortitude, it's a free download and plays like Blackpowder's cousin I guess?!
      Best Iain

  12. This is just the sort of inspirational post I love seeing on your site, Iain. The pics looks awesome and though I'm still early days with my own Naps 28mm collection, I find such pics are great for my motivation. A good draw in the game too.

    1. Thanks Simon, glad to be of help, it's nice once you've knocked out a few units!
      Best Iain

  13. A draw sounds a fair result. It was looking bad for you at one point but you seemed to have pulled it round.

    1. Thanks Chris, yes I felt a bit under the kosh at one point so a draw was a decent result to me!
      Best Iain

  14. A smashing looking game Iain. Enjoyed the report.

  15. Nice looking game Iain, I like the simplicity of the V&F rules.

  16. A great looking game, looks like fun was had by all.

  17. Looks like a pretty exciting game!!
