Tuesday 12 December 2023

Valour and Fortitude 1809 club game Napoleonics 46

 I had a game with John at the club, so he could try Valour and Fortitude.  Austrians against French in 1809 which meant a first outing for my Southern German Church. 

Sorry for the excessive amount of photos! They don't go all the wayvto the end as we had a chap turn up who is interested in playing 28mm Napoleonics , so with gaming, photos  took the hit ! We set the time for the end of the game and then placed two objectives each( which I'd failed to do previously, they're the pink chits, might have to make something in future? ) I was frankly lucky and managed to occupy all four objectives on my first go, although I decided not to sit on top of the hill and present myself as a target! We'd set quite an early time as the end , John attacked the farm on my right flank,and the one with the church and advanced to assault the woods in his next go, I was mainly trying to use my Landwehr as support units as they're stats are considerably lower than the Austrian line units. I defended where I was and John's French assaulted the hill , the woods and both built up areas, the woods were taken but the unsupported French took casualties, the farm on  right clung on in spite of casualties in the face of overwhelming numbers, on the hill the French were thrown back , well it was a tie but if you're on top of the hill it means you win! The church was meanwhile being resolutely defended. Next turn the farm on  right fell to the French as really the Austrians were not well enough supported, on the hill the French tried again and were pushed back, the French unit in the woods assaulted the artillery piece which had unlimbered the previous go ( I had to borrow French limbers as my Austrians are still at the build stage!) The cannister response was gratifying as the French infantry unit ceased to exist and the artillery remained! At this stage we had reached our agreed finish time and with two to one objectives and also being ahead in the butchers bill, I would have been the winner, however we decided to carry on as we were having fun! Against expectations most of the French brigade assaulting the church was destroyed , the cuirassiers charged up the hill but ended being thrown back and ultimately retreated off the table, the French hussars were held by the Austrian cuirassiers and the French left flank was too far away to influence the game in what was a comprehensive defeat for the French!
Good game, you really need to support your troops, my right flank was understrength but did the job of holding up the much larger French force so that they couldn't influence the rest of the game. I was lucky with the unit in the wood but , largely through luck rather than judgement, my units in the church and on the hill were well supported so yhat they could distribute casualties and survive for longer.  Great fun I'm looking forward to the large family game over the Christmas holidays.  The Austrians are pretty resilient in this ruleset although the Landwehr are very weak, Austrian combined grenadier battalions are making their way to the paint table, I need to address the imbalance of forces as I have been almost exclusively painting Napoleonic French for the past year so expect more Austrians but probably after the Christmas game as I will be playing French against the combined Austrian, Russian and British force.  I've only got one French unit that isn't at least primed which is nice so the end is in sight although Perry's are releasing plastic Polish at some point!
All the best 


  1. Fantastic looking game Iain, and a good win for yourself. Hope you have a great game over the holidays, and isn't always the way, there's always another army on the horizon to paint ! LOL

    1. Thanks Dave, there is which is both a good thing and a bad one?
      Best Iain

  2. Splendid looking battle Iain, we do need to try V&F out some time. The forces look great.so much to do I need to get those limbers sorted and get the French finished off. I’m worried about the Perry Polish release 🙃

    1. Thanks Matt, give it a go, it's like a cousin of Blackpowder so some of it is familiar and some of it is refreshing plus the cost is a plus! You and me bit on the Polish!
      Best Iain

  3. A wonderful looking game, Iain, so don't apologise for all the pics! I must say, I was surprised how staunch your Austrians were - every rule set I have played seems to heap every possible disadvantage on them, making it extremely hard to win a game against the French, but you seem to have done very well in this contest!

    1. Thanks Keith, the Austrians are pretty resilient, I think if you go for a cautious general and or brigade commander then youget more troops but are more limited in options, so I elected not to have a cautious general, less troops but better performance?
      Best Iain

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed the pics and the church centre piece is looking very good. I like that the V&F give some strength to the Austrians by contrasting the landwehr to give an interesting force.

    1. Thanks Norm, yes the church works rather well doesn't it? The Landwehr are like the Prussian Landwehr in your recent Waterloo game , rather brittle and when they go they go fast!
      Best Iain

  5. Fab game Iain! Lovely table and minis.

  6. Great terrain and troops. Your wrap up of the action gave some guidance on how the rules work. Nice to see the White Horde prevail. Thank you, Iain.

    1. Thanks Joe, happy with the troops and the terrain and it's a good set of rules at a great price!
      Best Iain

  7. A great looking game during this fantastic 1809 campaign...Superb!

  8. Iain, this was an impressive victory you and your White Menace. Well done!

  9. Please keep these sorts of posts coming, Iain. They are inspirational, and definitely help motivate me to continue painting my Foundry Naps so perhaps one day I can field such great looking games.

    1. It's my pleasure Simon, more on the horizon!
      Best Iain

  10. Well done on the win Iain. Great looking table.

  11. Nicely done with an Austrian win Iain, and good to see that they seem to have a better chance in these rules. I'll look forward to seeing more of yours on the table in due course.

    1. Thanks Lawrence,the Austrian line units seem pretty resilient in this ruleset!
      Best Iain

  12. Please don't be sorry! By no means it's an excessive amout of photos!!

  13. Great looking game Iain, both the figures and the scenery make it look visually appealing as well as the challenge of the game. The V & F rules (and the recent update) minimise the time spent searching the rules and I think they are great.

    Is that a cloth playing mat or a dedicated board?


    1. Thanks Chris, at six pages, even going through the whole rules doesn't take long! It's a deep cut studios muddy field cloth, I have to say I've been impressed by them, not cheap but actually very good!
      Best Iain

  14. Thanks for all the pics, Iain! Did you use the new 2nd edition rules? I played the first edition, and liked them fine as an alternate set for convention games with players that don't like my rules of choice (Field of Battle/Battle Command).

    1. Thanks Peter 2nd edition and a good and inexpensive set of rules!
      Best Iain

  15. What a fine game there Iain and good to see the Austrians doing well for a change. Reading about the 1809 campaign and yet again i was struck at how often they were poorly led, not too good on the offensive due to the former, but staunch chaps on the defensive.

    1. Thanks Steve, yes once I got them in somewhere I was happy to leave them to be stubborn, the 1809 campaign canexas something of a shock to the French at how stubborn and hard work they were compared to their previous experience of them, quite apart from Napoleon's first defeat at Aspern Essling!
      Best Iain

  16. Smashing looking game Iain. The rules seem to work nicely.

    1. Thanks Richard, seem to be getting the hang of them!
      Best Iain

  17. Great looking gaming again, Iain! Love to see all of those beautifully painted Napoleonics on the table.

  18. Splendid stuff Iain…
    I’ve found all my games of Valour and Fortitude very enjoyable.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, very repid and gory, probably what we want in a game!
      Best Iain

  19. Looks great! I'm not a Nappy guy usually but Ive tried these rules out and quite enjoyed them. Did a quick BatRep here: https://tasmancave.blogspot.com/2023/08/valour-fortitude.html

    1. Thanks Paul, yes a good set I'll pop over and have a look at yours!
      Best Iain
