Wednesday 27 September 2023

AAR War of three Kingdoms/ ECW 25

 We had another pike and shot game at the club, we chose a scenario where the  victory conditions were occupation of the two river crossings at the end of eight turns. Each force had a pike block and two shot units, a light gun and two units of commaned shot, split in to two battalias, the Royalists (John's) were early Royalists taken from the To kill a king supplement while my force was based on Essex's from the same source as per the last game.

I rolled high and went first and  managed to grab both crossings, John's pike and shot regiment resolutely failed to activate, unfortunately beyond my shot range. On the other flank he skillfully exploited the terrain to take out my light gun and eventually the whole force, meanwhile his pike and shot unit advanced to yhe other crossing and it all looked bleak as his shot were in cover while mine were exposed, I charged his pike unit with mine and destroyed one of his shot units, John's force on the other crossing stalled, both pike units fought themselves to a standstill then broke but there was no longer time for John to try and take the other crossing so we called it a draw, as there was still a fair amount of time we set to with a straighr up melee from the one hour wargame scenario with two pike and shot units each , two cavalry and a medium gun , I was lucky enough to activate my infantry forward but held my cavalry back.

One of John's pike blocks got stuck near the start point and never really moved, failing activation and at other times being disordered so unable to follow orders, my cavalry moved off the hill to take shelter from John's artillery fire in the hedgrows, meanwhile John couldn't get his cavalry to move. The fighting in the hedgerows started to reduce the Royalist force and a charge by my pikemen eventually broke John's pike. Meanwhile John's Cavalier cavalry finally activated charged my cavalry, which being caracole cavalry meaning they take a closing fire shot instead of counter charging , were defeated , withdrew and were hit again in a sweeping advance, they lost again so I  had to roll a break test which with an eleven each( on two dice) meant that surprisingly they survived even if they had to withdraw from the table, I  continued mangling the Royalist foot, John declared a charge on my artillery piece but wasn't able to fulfill it and we had to call the game as we had run out of time, another draw. I thought it worked out rather well, the Parliamentarian foot is marginally better than the Royalist and the Royalist cavalry is superior to the Parliamentarians at this point, if John's cavalry had gone off to attack a  baggage train it would have mirrored a number of civil war battles! We're going to keep at it for pike and shot for a while so expect more of these chaps!

Framlingham Castle in Suffolk was often the start of our family summer holidays in the east coast and is a good eleventh century ( I think?)  Castle with some lovely Tudor chimneys, we walked the dog around it the other day, captured by king John in the thirteenth century it was where Queen Mary rode out from to start her counter coup to depose Lady Jane Grey with the support of Suffolk. 

Next up ? Definitely Napoleonics, all painted just need to take some photos after the holiday, went past James's headquarters during the second Anglo-Dutch war in Southwold today as that conflict seems to be in the air!

All the best



  1. A nice battle Iain, and reading the details a draw seems like a fair result. The scenario seems quite balanced and with a fair bit of tension in having to rush to grab the river crossings.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, yes yhe scenario's in one hour wargames are pretty good!
      Best Iain

  2. Your AARs always amaze me, they are eye-catching and vivid, I can never have enough. Lovely pics of the castle too!

    1. Glad you like the AARs and the castle pics!
      Best Iain

  3. Lovely sized games, the Pike & Shot look to really work well at this density.

    1. It's a good pick up and play and more importantly complete in a club context sized game!
      Best Iain

  4. Ooh I wish you’d stop posting about pike and shot…lol… I’m still drawn to it dammit.

    1. What became of your ECW project?

    2. Fell out of love with the Wofun flats and sold em. I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse for my 6mm ECW armies and sold them too. My PP 15mm’s were mostly thrown away (by people helping me clean out the barn) and I’ve been in counselling about that ever since. Lol. I’m trying to muster the enthusiasm to start again in 10mm but we’ll see. Posts reminding me how great a period it is and how lovely the models are don’t help!

    3. Is it bad I'm glad your still drawn to them, I remember now you saying someone helped you and threw out figures, think you need some counselling for that to be honest!
      Best Iain

  5. Excellent ECW game and Framlingham Castle photos!

  6. Two good games in an evening. Good going.
    Enjoy your break in Suffolk.

    1. Thanks Chris, Suffolk was relaxing!
      Best Iain

  7. Looks and sounds like a couple of fun games. Great setup!

    In the first castle photo, is that white vehicle the van-guard? (sorry, I'll see myself out ha ha)

    It is cool that you have access to sites like that castle though.

    1. Thanks Fitz good shout on the van, if I'd have thought of it first I'd have used it!
      Best Iain

  8. Good to see your ECW collection’s continuing run out on the table. Two draws? I guess everyone goes home with thought of how they might have won. Enjoyed seeing the castles in your travelogue.

    1. Everyone is at least content after two draws, about fair and still fun!
      Best Iain

  9. Lovely battle report with many beautiful minis!
    Best regards

  10. Great stuff Iain - two games in one session is always an achievement! nice to see lots of my favourite Front Rank ECW figures in evidence once again too!
    I am a bit dubious of the idea that the Royalist were "charge" or "blade" cavalry, and the Roundheads were "Caracole" or "Dutch" style - my feeling is, although the Royalists were initially superior because of the social class they drew most of their recruits from, the tactics were similar on both sides for most of the war - old style caracole at the outset, but developing towards the more modern "Swedish" style quite quickly, in both armies. I dont think the idea of the Royalists having superior tactics, as opposed to troops, was as big a thing as a lot of more recent rule sets make out!

    1. I think you're right for later in the war but as they were from the early war army lists I think they do reflect the set up then.
      Best Iain

  11. Nice looking games Iain…
    Certainly a good evenings play…

    All the best. Aly

  12. Two great looking games Iain, and close result on both. More great castle photo's as well. Hope you had a great holiday.

    1. Thanks Dave, had a lovely holiday!
      Best Iain

  13. Good looking games. Seems that activation really played a big role.

    1. Yes, it does but the element of luck applies to both sides so I think that's alright?
      Best Iain

  14. Interesting and good looking games, sounds like you had fun. Great photos of the castle as an added treat.

    1. Lots of fun and it is a nice castle isn't it?
      Best Iain

  15. I always enjoy seeing your postings featuring the ECW figures, Iain. So pleased they're finally getting the tabletop action they deserved. Marvellous stuff.

    1. Yes , they're doing really well! Thanks for passing them onto me!
      Best Iain

  16. Another great battle, and scenic detour! I don't mind draws - better than being rolled by turn 2.

    1. Glad you liked them and nothing wrong with a draw or two!
      Best Iain

  17. Nice looking game Iain….looking forward to those Naps of course. I visited Framlington ages ago but a bit out of the way now

    1. Bit of a treck for you no doubt, your French look great!
      Best Iain

  18. Great looking figures and gaming (and sights as well). I need to get my ECW stuff on the table again - might even try something using Pikeman's Lament since I've been playing Rebels and Patriots a bit lately.

    1. Thanks Dean, think I've got Pikemans lament but haven't had a go yet!
      Best Iain

    2. Saying it that way it sounds like an ailment. "well, I've got pikeman's lament", "that's nothing to be cavalier about, but there's a cure for it these days". ha ha

    3. They can treat all sorts these days!
      Best Iain

  19. Another lovely looking ECW game and with not too many units on the table, which is nice to see. Love the castle and it does make me want to visit some locally as and when time allows.

    1. Thanks Steve, yes with the castles around us definitely worth visiting!
      Best Iain

  20. Another great looking game, stop tempting me to go historical haha. Also cool to go see castles like that, I don't have anything like that around here.

    1. Thanks SD, you know you want to, think I went to a castle in Las Vegas ?!
      Best Iain

    2. Ah is it the giant castle casino? A fun time there, but the closest I've had was Medieval Times haha.
      I have thought about some WW2 or Bushido before.

    3. I've got a winter war Soviet army for bolt action, samurai are always tempting!
      Best Iain

  21. Great pics of a good looking large game.

    Framlington is one I'd never visited before, so these pics are very nice to peruse - thanks Iain.

    1. Thanks Dai, glad you liked tge game and the castle!
      Best Iain
