Tuesday 1 August 2023

Italian line infantry 2nd regiment Napoleonic 38

 Here we have the 2nd regiment of the  Kingdom of Italy. These are Victrix plastic figures that were built eight or nine yesrs ago which has given me time to recover from the traumatic build, where every single bit of plastic had to be cleaned! They were primed some time ago in grey halfords primer and as I now prime in black I figured that as I haven't painted any Austrians for a while I should paint them as white coated Italians, a sloppy wet brush of white and then I gave the flesh areas a wash of liquatex umber acrylic ink so that the flesh highlights would be similar to how I finish my black primed figures.  I also used liquatex acrylic ink for the brown backpacks and all the black as it's faster than paint and they're pretty economical too. The Royal Italian army has quite a complicated range of facings, luckily it's very clearly explained on the Perry French infantry 1807-1814 pamphlet you get with their infantry box, that's also the source of the flag, in spite of the difficulty of assembly they're actually nice figures to paint, which is good as three more white coated Italian battalions are in the pipeline!

Still got lots of Napoleonic units lining up although I have been bitten a bit by the terrain bug and the shed is strewn with various half finished ( or less!) projects, still all good fun!

All the best



  1. That acrylic ink looks fancy pants stuff, was that one coat straight onto the grey? I had to smile at your recall of the build and agree, they are fine figures once done. I have made two 20 man units up.

    1. Yes straight acrylic ink from an art shop, much cheaper than model paint/ inks, and yes nice now they're built!
      Best Iain

  2. These look excellent Iain, and great they are a joy to paint after the trial by combat of putting them together by the sounds of it. More terrain you say, if it's like the last masterpiece you showed, can't wait to see more

    1. Thanks Dave, nice to paint, thanks for the kind words on the terrain too!
      Best Iain

  3. Replies
    1. Good to hear from you Peter, and thanks a lot!
      Best Iain

  4. Great work Iain. The thought of gluing together individual parts has always been enough to put me off plastic figures.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, the Perry plastic sets are a different ballgame entirely and are actually quite therapeutic to assemble I find!
      Best Iain

  5. Oh, I like the white-coated Italians.

  6. Lovely work there and I too have bits of terrain laying around waiting to be worked upon, but am concentrating on painting figures first, which is more important!

    1. Thanks Steve, we all prioritise figures, but nice to do a bit of terrain every now and then?
      Best Iain

  7. Excellent looking Italians, Iain. Always liked the French style uniform in white.

  8. Rross posted Very nice - I thought the Italians mainly wore green coats but obviously some did not - is that a summer uniform/winter uniform thing perhaps??
    Totally agree about Victrix (as I have stated ad nauseum on previous occasions!) Nice figures but FAR too many parts for 28mm figures - it's like assembling tiny Historex miniatures or something - and not in a good way!

    1. Thanks Keith, started off green, white for line by 1809 and we're singing from the same hymn book on the early Victrix plastics, the new ones are much better.
      Best Iain

  9. You certainly don't need the contrast paints when you achieve these results!

    1. Thanks Suber, skap dash seems to work for me!
      Best Iain

  10. 9 years is a long time to wait for paint. Just how traumatized were you? Lol
    Came out looking great in the end though. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, pretty traumatised to be honest!
      Best Iain

  11. Iain, such a nice go at the white uniform. Really good looking. . The
    early British kit was similar in structure but painted up in the end.

    Best, Joe

    1. Thanks Joe , yes the early British and French are both equally difficult!
      Best Iain

  12. Nice looking unit Iain. Though you are not encouraging me to buy Victrix figures.

    1. Thanks Richard, the later Victrix figures are much better!
      Best Iain

  13. A good looking unit Iain, sounds like they were wanting a long time to be completed 🙂

    1. Thanks Matt, a long wait but okay in thd end!
      Best Iain

  14. Lovely Italians Iain…
    I find building any plastic kits quite traumatic…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I like assembling Perry figures and to be honest the more recent Victrix are pretty good!
      Best Iain

  15. Nice details across the unit, congrats on getting them done after such a long time!

  16. How you painted up so much white without going completely mad is beyond me, Iain. The Italians look splendid, and being so bright they'd definitely attract a lot of attention from my cannons if I was stood across the gaming table from them. LOL!!

    1. Thanks Simon, I'm coming to terms with white now I have a technique I'm happy with, these are the same sculpts you've got, I hope you're having fun with them!
      Best Iain

  17. It makes a nice change to see white coated line infantry after the hordes of blue-coats.

    1. Thanks Joe, there will be some more blue and some more white as time goes on!
      Best Iain

  18. Beautiful troops Iain! I had just started plastic Napoleonics back in 2012, then I discovered the Napy ships.

    1. Thanks Vol, whilst I'm glad you do your lovely ships it would be good to see a unit of Napoleonic infantry by you, I'm sure it would be excellent!
      Best Iain

  19. Looking great Iain, as previous comments the Italians are very nice change.

  20. Sometimes a model build will traumatize me to the point of it wanting anything to do with a project too *Looks at his unloved 40k army*

    Liking the whites on these tho - and I shall have to look into the art inks in lieu of my he washes - sounds far more economical

    1. Thanks Dai, yes the liquatex acrylic inks are definitely a more economical proposition !
      Best Iain
