Saturday, 22 February 2025

Perry French line infantry again Napoleonic 63

 Here we go again! After last week's Rhinebund unit, it's back to normal,you know the drill, Napoleonic French line infantry, entirely Perry plastic, advancing not march attack so that at least is different. 

Pleasant diversion, there's a unit at home that just needs the white to finish them off, then there's two more Victrix units, another Guard unit then that will be all the French infantry done, the end is in sight!  There's a fair bit of Austro-Hungarian infantry to do, some needs to be assembled and apart from the  cavalry unit I'm working on now there is I think four more French cavalry units, a hussar unit associated with Lasalle, a unit of chasseurs a cheval , a unit of lancers I got from secret santa a couple of years ago( I know, wrong for 1809 but nice to be given Napoleonic figures! ) and Polish lancers of the Guard, once more they didn't get lances until after the 1809 campaign but I'm not going to build a unit of Polish Guard cavalry without lances am I? Other than that I've got a wagon park to paint up and then it's parade time, I'm hoping for the summer but probably it'll be Christmas!

Just to prove to Keith I am in Jamaica here's a couple of beaches, not up to Keith's standard but there you go!
 In the meantime Perry have announced since my last post that they are releasing early peninsular war Spanish infantry in plastic, perfect for the siege of Girona, so I have literally no choice in the matter, I'll have to get some Spanish!
  My wife's coming out now, so it'll be a couple of weeks till my next post.

All the best 



  1. Another good looking addition to your French force, Iain and the scenery looks good too, particularly the beach!

    1. Thanks Keith, last French line unit until after Easter!
      Best Iain

  2. Beautiful minis and wonderful Jamaican pics!

  3. Another fantastic looking unit Iain, and sounds like you are nearing the end of your French, just in time for the new Spanish ! LOL

    1. Thanks Dave, yes the end is in sight for the French, just have to power through the Austrians and some more confederation of the Rhine including about 250 Bavarians, then into Spanish, would quite like Polish too?!!
      Best Iain

  4. You really have been pouring out these French and all of the highest quality. It must be a relief to see the end finally in sight. I think those Perry Spanish will go well, especially given all the troop types that can be made up for each box.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I don't know, I'm really enjoying painting the French and it will be good when their done, I've got Bavarians and Westphalians after the Austrians but I like to have an army that I'm planning to get in addition, so that's where the Spanish come in, although there was the Polish theatre of operations in 1809 too!
      Best Iain

  5. Not often I get jealous these days…but yeah…I’m jealous.
    I must commend you on your decision to accurately represent the entire Napoleonic French army at a 1:1 ratio. lol.

    1. Thanks Mark, I think? Hope you enjoyed your trip to sunny London!
      Best Iain

  6. More splendid french infantry Iain, will the whole army actually fit on one table ? I’m going to be getting some of those Spanish as well bulk out my brigade or perhaps a division we’ll see. Jamaica looks lovely and warm could do with that here !

    1. Thanks Matt, I might need a bigger table? Yes those Spanish look good, it helps that I'm concentrating on 1809 otherwise the Spanish force could get messy!
      Best Iain

  7. Nicely painted minis! And photos!
    You paint some minis and then life's a beach.

    "I have literally no choice in the matter" Yeah, none at all. ha ha

    1. Thanks Fitz and I'm glad you at least understand, you do don't you?!
      Best Iain

  8. More great figures Iain! Your photos could be of our coastline, got to love a coconut palm!

    1. Thanks Chris, yes got to love a coconut palm!
      Best Iain

  9. Ya cranked out another large batch of figures just before the wife shows up to make you enjoy the beaches.
    That is commonly called “crushing it.” 😀

    1. Thanks Stew! Got to be lucky sometime!
      Best Iain

  10. Another lovely looking unit of Frenchies, I like the pose of this regiment, I'm a died in the wool march attack guy but like the look of these. Lovely scenery, not quite as nice weather here in the North of Scotland that's for sure!

    1. I'm generally a march attack type too but it makes a nice change and also cuts out all the straps on the chest!
      Best Iain

  11. Onwards with the latest French forces! Lovely scenic shots as well. We get a week of temperatures at or over 40 f degrees. It will melt the snow off and we will check on trees to see if any turned into palms. Probably not.

    1. Thanks Joe, hope it heats up soon!
      Best Iain

  12. Today is the prepping of a lot of figures for one day soon a mass priming effort for all items purchased since November.

    1. I've got a big pile of figures to prime when I get home, ran out of time and too cold at Christmas but should be fine by Easter!
      Best Iain

  13. Iain:my wife joined me in the Caribbean
    Reader: Jamaica?
    Ian: no she came of her own accord
    Sorry, had to be done.
    Impressed you painted some figures while you’re in Jamaica.

    1. Thanks Chris, I was waiting for that joke, you didn't disappoint!
      Best Iain

  14. Nice work Iain, can never have enough French line and yes just keep running at it like u say in another post! :)

    1. Thanks Mark, keep ploughing on, not as many in one go as your post though!
      Best Iain

  15. Lovely work Iain. Nice scenery...hope you are enjoying the tropics.

    1. Thanks Mark, yes I'm getting used to it!
      Best Iain

  16. More nice work there Iain and a nice change of pose too, with those chaps certainly looking like they want to get stuck in! After last nights gales and torrential rain, nice to see shots of what Jamaica is like at this time of your:)!

    1. Thanks Steve, change is as good as a rest? Weather getting better now?
      Best Iain

  17. Great looking unit again Iain. Previously, I had looked at the piccies and only skimmed your text (sorry). Now I am impressed, but also a little concerned. You have gone to Jamaica on a work-holiday trip and are painting figures in the evening instead of going out with colleagues or friends?!😳😂
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, it's a work trip, I'm going to the bar enough to be sociable but not every night!
      Best Iain

  18. Great looking Perry French - and lovely beach scenes!

  19. Some splendid models, and I'm jealous of the beach that you're at!

  20. A bit late, but nicely painted Iain!!

  21. Nice new unit Iain!

    Those beaches remind me of the beaches I saw/went to in Trinidad 8 years ago during my visit with my sister when she lived out there. Must be a Caribbean thing? Hope the good lady wife has a lovely time on the island!

  22. Thanks Dai, yes I think it's a Caribbean thing! She had a lovely time , thanks !
    Best Iain
