Sunday 12 May 2024

A command stand and some bits and bobs! Great Italian wars 52

 This command stand was started during the Analogue Hobbies painting challenge but I've only just finished it . It depicts Caterina Sforza,  a member of the Sforza family who ruled Milan  born 1463 and died 1509. She was the ruler of Imola and Forli with her first husband  and after his death as regent for her son , not considered a role for a woman at the time, nevertheless she did so.She seized the castle saint Angelo in Rome whilst secen months pregnant during a papal election and  held the fortress of Ravaldino after the murder of her husband, where ,in response to threats against her children she is said to have raised her skirts and told her children's captors to go ahead and hang them, she had the means of making more! Not sure it's actually true as Machiavelli is the source and he'd also had a run in with her, capable of extreme brutality, hunting down both her lover's killer's and their pregnant wives , children and infants , extreme even by the standards of the day. She campaigned against the Venetians, gaining the nickname the Tiger of Forli and defended Ravaldino against the French army supporting Caesera Borgia who was carving out a kingdom in the Romagna, ultimately she had to surrender to the French , sword in hand and after a period imprisoned in Rome's Castle Saint Angelo she finished ip in Florence where her third husband (a Medici) had been from. The Caterina figure is from Bad Squiddo, the hair's a bit of a lump and I don't think the armour is elegant enough for a renaissance princess, it's more ammunition quality I feel? I've painted her in blue and white as I found some references for that. The banner bearer is a Perry plastic from the 15th century  mercenaries box and is about right for period, the landsknecht is somewhat anachronistic but I wanted someone who looked like a guard and he fitted the bill, he's also a lovely Foundry figure. The banner is Sforza Milan so also not entirely accurate but close enough I think! 

Hosted some bolt action games from the market garden supplement, a bit more gamey than Steve Js rather more realistic campaign on his still entertaining, I  just supplied the terrain and following a leaf out of Norms book i used partially completed buildings! 

The scenario called for buildings along both sides of the road lengthways on a 6' x 4' board and while I could have used medieval and Italian wars buildings I thought it wouldn't look great and it didn't take long to knock up ten foamboard ruins on hardboard bases, they're loosely based on the mdf terrace/ row houses I inherited from Des which are elsewhere on the table, we did find with those that because they were so small they were difficult to access so I've gone for something more like a house and a half with a bit more space within the  ruin and I've planned them as pairs so that two would give you the equivalent of three buildings, although they work fine on their own. I don't think they look too bad in black, the plan is to gradually add sills, floorboards some brickwork, render, roof framing and tiles as the campaign goes on, they might be finished by the end but I rather doubt it. The other reason for these is my niece has expressed an interest in some sort of miniature game D&D was mentioned which I no longer have but I do have frostgrave and probably the figures to go with it and you need a lot of ruins for that game, also Mordheim is very popular at the club so I hope to get some use out of them, a couple of them together would probably be not far off what a built up area in 1813 should look like for Valour and Fortitude/Blackpowder if I wanted to be realistic? Food for thought anyway, lot's of other stuff nearing completion! Partizan  coming up next weekend and I'm aiming on going, hope to see some of you there?
All the best 


  1. I do like your command stand will be unsurprised to learn, Bad Squiddo is a site I vist often, although thus far, not a lot has been purchased!
    The buildings look good too and very practical/serviceable

    1. I did think of you when doing it, I've got a few bad Squiddo figures, soviet snipers and tank crew and a few ancient celts, most of the sculpts are excellent but I just didn't think this one was up to the previous standards, still , good enough!
      Best Iain

  2. Excellent command stand. Enjoyed reading the history. Fine looking buildings.

    1. Thanks Richard, I think the rough and ready new builds work quite well with what I already have?
      Best Iain

  3. Nice work on the command stand and interesting history as a bonus. We could use more strong women leaders on our gaming tables.

    1. I definitely second that motion, Jon!

    2. Thanks Jonathan, I agree with you and Keith on figures on the table to!
      Best Iain

  4. I think the mini is cool, and the mere choice of the character is quite interesting. Despite the accuracy issues you mention, I believe it's a lovely composition.

    1. Thanks very much Suber very kind!.
      Best Iain

  5. A very nice command stand Iain, and a nice bit of history, never heard of her before but she sounds like she was a real character, a strong woman in brutal times.

    1. Thanks Donnie, yes tough times just to survive, fascinating period but I'm glad I didn't live through it!
      Best Iain

  6. An interesting command stand, and nicely done Iain. The foamboard ruins also look the part and complement the other buildings beautifully.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, there has been a bit of progress with some of the foamboard ruins, advancing in batches but it's funny I'm happy to have barely built black foamboard where I wouldn't dare do the same with a white foamboard model, I guess they're just less distracting?
      Best Iain

  7. Great command stand there Iain, along with a nice bit of background too. Thanks for the shout out on my recent mini-campaign, but anything vaguely Market-Garden related always piques my interest:).

    The buildings look fine to start with and, as you say, as time allows, you can add more detail etc to them. A good point on making them larger to actually accomodate bases. I loved Mordheim and played many a game back in the day and it was the ruleset that got me back into wargames after a long hiatus:).

    I planning on attending Partizan, so maybe see you there.....

    1. Thanks Steve, when I saw the Indian mutiny game I thought of you, I know not quite the same period but terrain wise! I do fancy a bit of Mordheim at some point, let's see how it goes!
      Best Iain

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Michal!
      Best Iain

  9. Nice command stand, great choice of subjects, the Sforza are fascinating. Your table is cool, the blend of finished and burnt out buildings looks great; the potential for the 'extra ' buildings is probably even more tha you speculate. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Thanks very much Joe, very kind of you!
      Best Iain

  10. Great command base Iain and the Bolt Action shots are wonderful!

    1. Thanks very much Lee!
      Best Iain

  11. Fantastic work on the command stand Iain, the history was fascinating to read as well. The set up looks great, and those new buildings sound like they will be very versatile as well.

    1. Thanks Dave, interesting period and glad you share my view on the foamboard buildings!
      Best Iain

  12. Lovely and intriguing background on Caterina. The table, buildings look superb, a lot of action and tight lines of sight in that 6x4 (good). My own stuff is a mish-mash of periods and styles, so I like the idea of doing a load of foam core buildings in a similar style for continuity of the architectural look.

    1. Thanks Norm, hope you're back soon!
      Best Iain

  13. Nice looking command stand, and that's.. umm... quite a story. Must of been harsh times in Italy.

    i agree that ruins / buildings need to be bit bigger for miniature basses to fit into, and also our big fingers. 😁

    1. Harsh times indeed, she probably had a note in Latin saying " you don't have to be a psychopath to work here but I am!" on her desk?
      Best Iain

  14. I agree with the others that you did a good job on the stand. Paint can cover some of the imperfections of a sculpt. Definitely some interesting history.

    The black foamcore buildings do work pretty well in this context. A good way to get the game going without getting bogged down in trying to get everything fully built before you can play.

  15. Thanks Fitz , certainly an interesting slice of history and I think the ruins are adequate at the moment and will improve with detailing, honest!
    Best Iain

  16. She has a convincing 'don't mess with me look about her' and the armour looks fine to me. Given the potted history that you gave us, I don't think I'd challenge her about it!
    Your scratch-built buildings are superb!
    Regards, James
