Jonathan Freitag ran a competition celebrating five years of his blog. Rather surprisingly I was one of the winners. Following on from my previous post about planning I chucked that out of the window and started a new period "Arthur and the Anglo saxon wars " it's probably my favourite Osprey book so I used Jonathans voucher at Newline to buy nine late Roman cavalry.
I bought Dux Bellorum by Dan Mersey when it came out and have really fancied it but not had the figures so now I've started ,plus I picked up two german warbands and three packs of late Romans from black Tree Design at colours and a pack of late roman gripping beast plastics and dark age warriors and a box of footsore Arthur and mounted companions plus various bits and bobs I already had.
So a new unplanned period beckons, what can I say, I'm weak and I am hoping to use them for lion rampant and maybe saga so that's alright then!
Look at what I won!
Haven't finished anything recently, decorating my new kitchen has been eating free time and any I have had has been prepping, priming and building but I've had access to a printer so I should be able finish some French napoleonic line infantry soon.
All the best Iain