Having taken part in the Analogue painting challenge this winter part of the deal is to supply a painted figure, in the past there have been themes such as western etc, this time the theme was cooperation between at least two painters.
As I seemed to be mostly painting great Italian wars and knowing Curt's interest in the period I thought that would be the best period to work in, so I cast around for some figures and a reason why I would have them together. I backed a recent steel fist kickstarter,(my one and only so far! ) and I had a nice Foundry figure which together I thought might make a nice vignette of Francis the first of France and the Chevalier Bayard, just after the French victory at Marignano when Francis asks/commands the Chevalier to knight him.

So based on these images I painted the steel fist figure as Francis with fleur de lies and Phil H from the challenge was kind enough to paint the Chevalier. I have combined them on a command base and added the paraphernalia of triumph, cannon barrel, standard and drum as the base seemed a little bare. The drum is Warrior, the standard is warlord and the cannon is a nautical model from Spain. I've added the more autumnal tufts to my usual basing in order to tie it in to Curt's basing in this period .
I just need to pack and send them (together with a hinchcliffe gendarme that Curt is going to paint )of to Canada.
Next up some more pike and maybe something Napoleonic.
All the best